The letters lost or gained in across clues spelt out “concatenate as a word”, so the letters of clashes in the SW-NE diagonal were combined as CHESS (at the thematic crossing of FISCHER and SPASSKY) and FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs, the World Chess Federation). The lost and gained letters in down clues spelt “settle on down letter”, so choosing the down letters in each clash on the NW-SE diagonal would form ZERO-SUM GAMES, describing both chess and the fact that the clues’ lost letters were the same as the gained ones. Instead, the across letters were entered and with other changes the diagonal became Gens una sumus (we are one family), the motto of FIDE, which was founded on 20 July 1924, exactly 100 years before the puzzle’s publication.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Letter [gained]/ |
Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
2 | fa(C)ulty | ROCK LOBSTER | (RESORT BLOCK) * |
11 | lo[O]se | AEROBE | AE + ROBE |
12 | [N]arrow | ALPINE | P in A-LINE |
13 | [C]lipped | PASEARED | SEA in PARED |
14 | (A)shamed | PLESH | (cou)PLE SH(amed) |
15 | FISCHER | REF < around (IS + CH) | |
16 | deduc[T]ed | PASSÉ | IMPASSE − I’M |
18 | Port[E]’s | KADI | ((h)I(d) D(r)A(n)K) < |
22 | (N)ester | ELIZA | (AZIDE − D) < around L; ref. Eliza Doolittle |
25 | Me[A]d | LEYDEN | DEN after LEY |
26 | (T)rail | SEÑORA | SORA around EN |
28 | l(E)ast | DRINK | (Federe)R in DINK |
29 | Rast(A) | TSAR | RAST < |
30 | (S)killed | EAGLE | BEAGLE − B |
35 | are[A] | AFIELD | A + FIELD |
36 | [W]heat | QUERN | QUERY with N for Y |
38 | Go(O)d | UNDREAMT | (D + MAN TRUE) * |
39 | Ho[R]ses | STEEDS | S + DEET < + S |
40 | [D]I | ARIES | DIARIES − DI |
41 | PANDECTISTS | PAN + DEISTS around CT | |
Down | |||
1 | fa[S]t | ZAPPIEST | APPETIZERS * − (E + R) |
2 | bar(E) | REAL ALES | SELLER < around As (separated) |
3 | I(T) | ORRE | (T)ORRE(s); ref. Eystein Orre |
4 | [T]urn | COCOA | CO in AOC < |
5 | [L]earner | LEAFS | L + SAFE * |
6 | mad[E] | BLESSED | BLEED around S(ock)S |
7 | SPASSKY | (PESKY − P(iec)E) around PASS | |
8 | b[O]ring | TIRR | IR in TR |
9 | Ru[N]e | ENEW | WEN < after (flum)E |
10 | (D)raw | REDS | REWARDS − RAW < |
16 | Sho(O)t | PIÑA | NIP < + À |
17 | (W)axed | ELM | (y)ELM |
19 | a(N)d | ADIE | (E + AD + I) * |
20 | s(L)ays | DENARIES | (A + R) in DENIES |
21 | (E)state | INKINESS | IN + KIN + ES + S |
24 | s[T]ate | UAE | (s)U(g)A(r)E(d) |
27 | d[E]ad | ORDERED | (ORD + RED) around (garag)E |
31 | wa(R)Y | ADMIT | ADIT around M |
32 | LAIRS | LA + IRS | |
33 | CUSP | S in CUP | |
34 | ANTA | (pl)ANTA(in) | |
35 | ADEN | ((chees)E + AND) * | |
37 | EMIT | REMIT − (plonke)R |