The answers to the four normal clues were entered with a letter shifted (translated in the geometric sense of movement within a plane), thereby becoming their translation in another language: 1ac COPENHAGEN → COPENAGHEN (Italian), 35ac BLUE → BLEU (French), 1dn CAPTAIN → CAPITÁN (Spanish), 31dn TOURISM → TURISMO (Italian). The letters similarly “translated” in across clues gave “toranslatins yb brain firel”, a thematically altered form of “Translations by Brian Friel”. A line from the play, “But remember that words are signals, counters. They are not immortal. And it can happen that a civilisation can be imprisoned in a linguistic contour which no longer matches the landscape of … fact”, was represented by the highlighting of CIVILISATION in a 4×3 rectangle surrounded by A LINGUISTIC CONTOUR. The puzzle’s title was “calque” (a loan-translation) subjected to a thematic letter translation.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Moved letter | Answer | Explanation [moved letter] |
Across | |||
11 | Al(T)ered | AXINITE | (TAXI IN) * + E |
12 | b(O)ing | STIPEL | (SPELT + (bo)I(ng)) * |
13 | use(R) | PING | APING − A |
15 | (A)stir | DONAH | (HAD NO) * |
17 | (N)ame | CANA | CAVA with N for V |
18 | (S)tellar | IDOLISE | (SOLID IE) * |
19 | bott(L)ing | KIANGS | A in KINGS |
20 | Sp(A)in | ÉTUIS | E + (c)UTIS * |
21 | lates(T) | CEDES | DEC(aff) < + (caf)É (environ)S |
22 | (I)con | AGOG | AGOING − I(co)N |
25 | Eve(N)ly | VICARS | V(e)I(l) + CARS |
28 | Re(S)cue | RNLI | (Northe)RN LI(ne) |
30 | awn(Y) | A ONE | A(wny) O(n) N(ight) E(xcursion) |
33 | (B)ro | INITIO | NIT in II + (br)O |
35 | BLUE | LUBE * | |
36 | lam(B)ed | ITALA | (Wich)ITA LA(mbed) |
40 | f(R)inges | OTAGO | TAG in O(sl)O |
43 | b(A)red | ROTOLO | (r)OT(i) in ROLO |
44 | Pars(I) | PEHLEVI | (I’VE HELP) * |
46 | eter(N)ally | PIET | (poly)PI ET(ernally) |
47 | li(F)er’s | DUPLE | L(ifer) in DUPE |
48 | sol(I)d | UTES | U + SET < |
49 | d(R)owse | ASLEEP | SAL * + PEE < |
50 | (E)vil or v(E)il | EELWORM | (MORE WELL) * − (evi)L |
51 | B(L)ow | SACRAMENTO | (STREAM + CANO(e)) * |
Down | |||
1 | CAPTAIN | (APT + AI) in CN | |
2 | OXIDE | OX + D[I]E | |
3 | PINOT | PINT[O] | |
4 | NIDI | I + DI[N] | |
5 | GENET | E[G] + NET | |
6 | ETHIC | ET[C]H + I | |
7 | NICAEAN | [A] + NICE + AN | |
8 | SPANDREL | (SPAN + L) around RE[D] | |
9 | LENGEST | LEN + GET[S] | |
10 | CLASSY | LASS after C[Y] | |
12 | SAKI | [A]SK + I | |
14 | GLUG | (s)LUG[G](ish) | |
16 | OSSI | I[S] after OS | |
23 | ORNATELY | OR + NAT + LY[E] | |
24 | CLT | L(eo) [C](rossword) T(heme) | |
25 | VSO | SO[V](ereign) | |
26 | CON | [N]C + O | |
27 | TITOISM | TI[M] + TOILS − L | |
29 | NILOTES | (SET O[N] + LI) < | |
31 | TOURISM | URIS in TOM | |
32 | KIRPAN | [K]NAP < after IR | |
34 | NOEL | O[N]E + L | |
35 | BALU | A[B]LU(tion) | |
37 | ALDEA | A + LA[D] around E | |
38 | ROUP | OU[R] + P | |
39 | UPPER | [P]UP + ER | |
41 | GET ON | GE[N]TO(o) | |
42 | OVERT | [T] + OVER | |
45 | HELM | (EH + (ro)[L](ls)) < + M(ount) |