The puzzle was published the day after the 136th anniversary of the birth of Le Corbusier. The extra words in down clues gave his five points of architecture: pilotis (pilot + is), free plan, free façade, horizontal windows, roof garden. These were outlined in his 1923 book Vers une architecture, in which he wrote “Une maison est une machine-à-habiter” (a house is a machine for living in). The extra letters in wordplay spelt out “SW elevation, Villa Savoye”, the building that most clearly embodies Le Corbusier’s five points. The final instructions for solvers corresponded to the five points to produce a diagram of the Villa Savoye as seen from the southwest:
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
Extra word | Answer | Explanation [extra letter] |
Across | ||
PREGGERS | EGGERS after P(y)R(e)[S] | |
PLETHORA | ((base-jumpe)R + [W]HO LEAPT) * | |
UXORICIDE | U + X + OR + IC[E] + IDE | |
MÊLÉE | M + EL[L]E + (Nic)E | |
ELEGY | LEG in EY[E] | |
GRAVE | [V]G + RAVE | |
MISS | MISS[A] | |
MODERN | (N + RED + [T]OM) < | |
PRINCE | IN in PR[I]CE | |
ELEVENS | ÉLÈVES around N[O] | |
ORES | (instructi)O[N] RES(olves) | |
SOUGH | HG[V]S < around (y)OU(r) | |
NONES | [I]N ON + E(ro)S | |
TUNE | TUN(n)E[L] | |
MACHINE | (CH + [L]INE) after MA | |
ACROSS | CAR’S * around O + S | |
LIGHTS | S after LIGHT | |
DIAM | IA in D[A]M | |
ENURE | EN + [S]URE | |
BAHAI | [A]BASH − S + AI | |
ANNAS | (N + A) in [V]ANS | |
RAT SNAKES | ([O]N + A(r)K + E(lephant)S) after RATS | |
YGDRASIL | (S(moker) + GIRLY DA[Y]]) * | |
SUGGESTS | (EGG + US[E]) < + (Ea)ST(er) + S | |
Down | ||
PRESENT-DAY | (PRESENT + AY) around D | |
RULE | R + ULE | |
EXEME | X in (s)EEME(d) | |
GO-GO | GO + GO | |
free | SIGN ON | NON-GIS < |
LEA | (toi)LE A(nd) | |
horizontal | ENVISAGING | (VEGAN IS GIN) * |
HEM | HEM(p) | |
Garden | RESIGN | DESIGN with R for D |
windows | MENSCH | MEANS + CH − (gl)A(ss) |
LIEU | LIE + U | |
URSUS | S in URUS | |
free | DES RES | DES + PRES − P |
REMIT | (G)RE(y) + MI + T | |
Pilot | LOSING | SIN in LOG |
façade | RELETS | RE + LETS |
is | NAAN | AN < + AN |
roof | ISHES | (f)ISHES |
TAKE | TEAK with E moved to the end | |
EAST | (a s)ET around A S(et) | |
MAR | MAR(e) | |
URI | (c)URI(ng) |