The unclued entry at 19dn was DOUBLE ACT, describing the double clues for almost all of the symmetrically opposite grid entries. The outer letters of the extra words in each clue pair spelt out “Introduction and Allegro; flute, clarinet, string quartet”, referring to a piece of music that Maurice Ravel composed to showcase the Érard Company’s double-action pedal harp. Highlighting in the grid traced THE DOUBLE-ACTION PEDAL HARP and RAVEL in the shape of a harp, in which “strings” were drawn to join the paired letters C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, representing an octave of notes. Also highlighted was ÉRARD in the bottom row.
The puzzle was published on the day of the 2023 Listener Crossword Setters’ Dinner, in Bristol. In the afternoon before the dinner, many guests gathered in the nearby Cornubia pub, on the walls of which were displayed — coincidentally — the subliminal hints shown here.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | (I)ro(N) | AMI | AMISS − S(pike)S |
48 | ARD | DISCARD − DISC | |
4 | (T)ou(R) | PROGRESS | PR + OGRESS |
47 | SUDANESE | (AND USE) * + S(avag)E | |
46 | (O)n-boar(D) | REVERIE | I in REVERE |
9 | RATLINS | (F)LIN(t) in RATS | |
10 | (U)nscientifi(C) | RISSO | R + IS + SO |
45 | STIPA | ITS < + P(ar)Á | |
44 | (T)andoor(I) | DORY | (c)O(d) in DRY |
14 | (O)pinio(N) | APRÈS | PRES after A |
43 | ACCOY | A(pologeti)C + COY | |
41 | (A)gai(N) | WEASEL | EASEL after W |
15 | BELIEF | BELIE + F | |
16 | (D)at(A) | GIB | (am)BIG(uous) < |
40 | DNA | AND < | |
36 | (L)etha(L) | ASSESS | ASSES + (posses)S |
18 | ADENYL | AL(l) around DENY | |
20 | (E)atin(G) | TACHO | CAT < + HO |
34 | GELEE | (EEL + EG) < | |
32 | (R)ode(O) | BLACKFEET | BACK around L + FEE + T(exan) |
23 | DEATHBLOW | (TO BALD HEW) * | |
31 | (F)rightfu(L) | BASE | 2 meanings |
26 | RUIN | I in RUN | |
29 | (U)pmarke(T) | FIG | 2 meanings |
27 | RIA | RI + A | |
Down | |||
38 | (E)xoti(C) | SLUED | SLUMPED − MP |
1 | ARABA | A after ARAB | |
2 | (L)a-di-d(A) | MAHÉ | ((Princ)E HAM(let)) < |
42 | EMIR | RIME < | |
37 | (R)oman(I) | SAYER | YEARS * |
3 | ELDIN | (h)ELD IN | |
30 | (N)obl(E) | DESERVE | SERVED * + E |
4 | PIE-EYED | PIED around EYE | |
5 | (T)eache(S) | OSAGE | O + SAGE |
35 | PADRE | RE after PAD | |
33 | (T)ille(R) | KENYAN | YANKE(d) * + N |
6 | GRAITH | RIGHT * around A | |
7 | (I)nstitutio(N) | ESRC | E + S(tate) R(estrict) C(ash) |
39 | ACID | C in AID | |
22 | (G)H(Q) | CRAB GRASS | CRASS around BRAG * |
8 | SOSNOWIEC | SO + SNOW + ICE * | |
11 | SEAHORSES | (reef)S + SEASHORE * | |
21 | (U)mbrell(A) | CLEANEST | C + LEANEST |
12 | CLERICAL | C + L(ike) + ERICA + L(avender) | |
17 | (R)otgu(T) | BABA | BAA around B(irthday) |
28 | ICED | (d)ICED | |
24 | (E)xhibi(T) | ARIF | FAIR * |
25 | TIGE | TIGE(r) |