This is one possible solving path. We’ll use subscripts Xa and Xd to refer to the respective across and down values of X. It will be useful to compile a list of the first factorial values, {1! = 1, 2! = 2, 3! = 6, 4! = 24, 5! = 120, 6! = 720, 7! = 5040, 8! = 40320, 9! = 362880, …}.
From 12ac, which has two digits, we have (using across values throughout) O! = 12ac − A − T − M − C + I, so O! ≤ 99 − 2 − 4 − 6 − 8 + 33 = 112. Since O ≥ 2, O! must be one of {2, 6, 24}, with O in {2, 3, 4}. For 11ac to be positive we need O > N, so N = 2|3 (not yet knowing which is across or down) with Oa = 4 and Od = 5.
11ac is a factorial and must be 8! = 40320 (the only one with five digits), so (Pa + Ha)(4 − Na)/4Na = 8, which means Pa + Ha = 8×4Na/(4 − Na). If Na is 3 that gives 512, but the maximum sum for any two distinct variables is 31 + 33 = 64; so Na = 2, Nd = 3 and Pa + Ha = 64, ie {Pa, Ha} = {31, 33} but we don’t know which is which.
33ac is a three-digit factorial, one of {5! = 120, 6! = 720}, so Pa − Ia is one of {13, 14}; the two possibilities for Pa mean Ia is one of {17, 18, 19, 20} and Id is in {16, 19, 18, 21} respectively. 8dn is a cube matching _2_, ie one of {53 = 125, 93 = 729}, so Sd!/Pd − Id is in {5, 9}. The lower limit for Sd! is 30(5 + 16) = 630 and the upper limit is 32(9 + 21) = 960; the only factorial in that range is 720, so Sd = 6 and Sa = 7. Now 8dn = (720/Pd − Id)3 and for that to be an integer Pd must be a factor of 720 = 24×32×5; it can’t be 32 = 25 because that has too many occurrences of the prime factor 2, so Pd = 30 and Pa = 31, making Ha = 33 and Hd = 32. For 8dn we have 24 − Id = one of {5, 9} and the only value above that fits is Id = 19, with Ia = 18. This makes 8dn = 125, as well as 9dn = 70, 16ac = 58, 33ac = 120 and 22dn = 22479.
Now for 6ac we have 7808 + Ra = __17, which can only work if Ra = 9 and Rd = 8, giving 6ac = 7817.
28dn is now 150(41 − Td), which clearly ends in 0. That makes 90 = 41ac = Ba + 77, so Ba = 13 and Bd = 12, which also gives 27ac = 221 and 34dn = 239. In the grid we have 21_0 for 28dn; the only matching number that’s divisible by both 3 and 50 is 28dn = 2100, making Td = 27 and Ta = 26, which also gives 25ac = 1430 and 26dn = 3684.
For 37ac = 10829 + Ma we have __8_7 in the grid, so Ma ends in 8 and the only available value is Ma = 28, with Md = 29, and 37ac = 10857. Now for 37dn = 5Ud/3 − 29 we have 1_ in the grid (with the second digit not allowed to be 0), so Ud ≥ (11 + 29)×3/5 = 24; it can’t be 25 because 5×25/3 isn’t an integer, and all the higher values are already assigned, so Ud = 24 and Ua = 25, which gives 37dn = 11 and 14dn = 720. The maximum value for 18dn = 8(Ed + 117) is 1120 (if Ed is 23), so it starts with 1. Now we have 1_2 for 18ac = Ga2 + 22, so Ga2 and therefore Ga must end in 0 and be ≤ √(192 − 22) ≈ 13.04; the only possible value is Ga = 10, with Gd = 11, giving 18ac = 122 and 39dn = 40. For 13dn = Ld + 2 we now have _2 in the grid, so Ld = 20 and La = 21, making 13dn = 22, 40ac = 1046 and 30dn = 95.
In the grid we have 1_1_ for 18dn = 8(Ed + 117), which must be even. Thus 31ac = Ea + 2 ≥ 21; the only available values that make that work are {22, 23}, so 18dn ends in 2, Ed + 117 ends in 4 or 9, and Ed ends in 7 or 2. Thus Ed = 22, Ea = 23 and 18dn = 1112, with 31ac = 25 as well as 23ac = 9896, 29ac = 694, 38ac = 3417, 3dn = 793, 4dn = 3200, 5dn = 84949 and 15dn = 7581.
Now we have 38 in the grid for 4ac = 53 − Aa, so Aa = 15 and Ad = 14, giving 1ac = 5117, 19ac = 104, 20ac = 5564, 21ac = 5032, 1dn = 569 and 2dn = 17.
The only remaining unassigned variable is C = 16|17. We have 92 in the grid for 12ac = Ca + 75, so Ca = 17 and Cd = 16, giving 10ac = 6579, 35ac = 54, 42ac = 9039, 7dn = 8385, 17dn = 8464, 19dn = 1308 and 36dn = 479 to complete the grid. Converting the sums of vertical triplets to letters, we get THOSE UNSHOCKED DON’T UNDERSTAND IT.