The corrections to the misprints in the clues spelt out “shade four titles seen cryptically plus author’s name”. Highlighted items in the grid were KATE ATKINSON in the lead diagonal and representations of four of her book titles: Emotionally Weird (a jumble of EMOTIONALLY), Not the End of the World (TH + WORLD), A God in Ruins (a jumble of A GOD) and One Good Turn (reversal of ONE GOOD). The puzzle’s title referred to another of her books, Life After Life.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | bli(S)s | CHELATION | CH + ELATION |
7 | (H)ard’s | MOLY | HOLY with M for H |
10 | J(A)ke | OKTAS | OK + SAT < |
11 | hi(D)ing | UNDOES | (UNE + (bras)S(erie)) around DO |
13 | pol(E) | START OFF | STAFF around (R(es)T (st)O(ps)) |
14 | (F)lipped | CAR | RAC < |
16 | (O)ath | WORLD-OLD | WORD around DOLL * |
17 | h(U)nger | AGREED | A + GREED |
18 | fi(R)ed | CENTRA | homophone of SENT + RA |
22 | s(T)inging | MOSSIE | 2 meanings (“swallow” in the clue should have been “sparrow”) |
24 | b(I)nd | FALL INTO PLACE | FALL IN + TOP + LACE |
25 | Be(T) | TOGAED | GAE in TOD |
29 | sou(L) | DENIMS | ((S + MIND) around E) < |
31 | t(E)rned | RIOTER | (Onta)RIO TER(ned) |
32 | live(S) | DOG-DAISY | DOG DAY(s) around IS |
36 | Re(S)t | LIE | 2 meanings |
37 | ris(E)s | SPEAKS UP | PEAKS in SUP |
38 | j(E)st | SKIDOO | SOO(n) around KID |
39 | (N)ot | GENOA | NO in GEA(r) |
40 | ba(C)king | SKUA | AUKS < |
41 | (R)attled | CYTHEREAN | (CHARY TEEN) * |
Down | |||
1 | outla(Y) | CO-STAR | AR after COST |
2 | chea(P) | ÉTAT | E + TATTY − T(ricker)Y |
3 | Pas(T) | LARTET | (LATE + T) around R |
4 | (I)an | ASTHENIA | (IAN HATES) * |
5 | (C)lass | INFORM | IN + FORM |
6 | he(A)d | NOBLE | NOB + LE |
7 | ma(L)es | MEND | MEN + D |
8 | (L)ine | LEAL | REAL with L for R |
9 | (Y)ears | YARDAGE | DRAY < + AGE |
12 | s(P)ell | SCOTIAN | (O + TI) in SCAN |
15 | fil(L)ing | AGNATE | N in AGATE |
18 | c(U)rve | COOK | C + (h)OOK |
19 | (S)unk | RECKED | WRECKED − W |
20 | p(A)nt | PLONGES | LONG in PES(t) |
21 | P(U)t | ANES | PEANUTS * − PUT * |
23 | fa(T)’s | SPOILAGE | S + PAGE around OIL |
24 | s(H)irks | FIDDLES | F + IDLES around D |
26 | (O)ut | DESPOT | D(rov)E + SPOT |
27 | (R)ight | TONKER | (TONE + R) around K |
28 | (S)wing | TRAPAN | ART < + PAN |
30 | (N)umber | MANIC | MAGIC with N for G |
33 | s(A)y | OINK | O + INK |
34 | (M)ite | DIKA | (A + KID) < |
35 | sag(E)s | ESNE | (sag)ES NE(rvous) |