Corrections to the misprints in clues spelt out “twelfth row; SW-NE diagonal”. Straight lines were drawn to link matching letters in these lines, their boundary producing (an approximation of) a Bézier curve. The letters replacing clashes along the curve spelt BEZIER. Definitions in 19ac and 39ac referred to the entered answer with CAD and CAM added, two computer applications that use Bézier curves.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer [extra letters] | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | (T)ailed | ONAGRA | ON A GRA(ph) |
7 | REVERY | RY(e) after EVER < | |
11 | La(W) | BARYE | BAR + (e)YE(d) |
12 | EMPLOY | E + PM < + LOY | |
14 | m(E)at | SPAM | 2 meanings |
15 | he(L)d | MADE | (Ataca)MA DE(sert) |
16 | (F)ire | OUST | T after OUS |
17 | COBNUT | BO < in CNUT | |
18 | DULLS | D + PULLS − P | |
19 | [CAD]DIE | D + I’ + E | |
20 | Do(T)s | TINTS | (S(ilver) T(rophy) N(ot) I(nclude) T(itle-holder)) < |
21 | RIC-RAC | RI + CRAC(k) | |
23 | (H)ard | SECTOR | SOR(e) around ECT |
25 | EIGHTH | ETH around (I’ + GH) | |
28 | TSETSE | (SET + SET) with letters cycled | |
31 | (R)aits | STRIA | RAITS * |
32 | l(O)bation | OBA | (l)OBA(tion) |
35 | Da(W)n | SUNUP | RUN-UP with S for R |
36 | DRONED | D + D after RONE(o) | |
37 | mo(S)s | ALGA | HIDALGA − HID |
38 | TITI | TUTU with I for U twice | |
39 | MINI[CAM] | homophone of MINNIE | |
40 | (W)izard | MERLIN | ME + R(oaming) + LIN |
41 | BONNE | BONZE with N for Z | |
42 | POULTS | POS(t) around ULT | |
43 | HANGED | ANGE(l) in (H + (tra)D(ing)) | |
Down | |||
1 | arca(N)e | OBSCURE | OBOE with SCUR for O |
2 | C(E)rt | NAPOO | NAP + O,O |
3 | (D)aughter | ARABIC | BACARDI * − D |
5 | he(A)ding | REMUDA | (B)ERMUDA with ER < |
6 | Ru(G) | AMATI | MAT in A1 |
7 | REDDEST | (D + D) in REEST | |
8 | ÉMEUTE | EMEE(r) around (BUT − B) | |
9 | ELUANT | (s)E(l)L (p)U(b) A(s) N(o)T | |
10 | KYTES | (ris)KY TES(t) | |
22 | sh(O)es | CHOPINS | (HOP + INS) after C(oconut) |
24 | READIES | IE in (b)READS | |
26 | GRU-GRU | (URG(e) + URG(e)) < | |
27 | TAUTIT | UT in TAIT | |
29 | KARIBA | KA + RIB + A | |
30 | ru(N) | TUNING | TURNING − R |
31 | C(A)st | STAMP | TAM in SP |
33 | BOTCH | CH after BOT(e) | |
34 | Ru(L)e | TENNÉ | TENNER − R |