The extra letters from radial clues spelt out the Chambers definition of “tinchel” (thematic answer 40 in the third ring): “a circle of men who close in round a herd of deer”. The other ring answers could each be followed by “man”, together representing the men of the tinchel around the three unclued deer (HIND, STAG, HART) in the innermost ring. The puzzle’s title is a rare word for a hunt.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra letter | Answer | Explanation |
Circular | |||
24 | FRONTIERS | FRONT + I(n) (E)ffect (R)adio (S)tations | |
33 | NEWSPAPER | NEW + SP + APE + R | |
39 | LINES | (Ber)LIN ES(cape) | |
40 | TINCHEL | TEL(l) around INCH | |
41 | GRAND OLD | OLD after GRAND | |
42 | FREED | FREE + D | |
43 | CATTLE | CAT + LET * | |
44 | WORKING | WORK + (din)ING(-car) | |
Radial | |||
1 | o(A)k | PERMIT | PER + MIT |
2 | (C)reek | TINKLE | (s)TINK + LE(t) |
3 | mov(I)es | HAZIER | (ARE + HI(s)) * around Z |
4 | Hu(R)t | GUNYAH | YAH after GUN |
5 | S(C)ion’s | HAGGAI | HAG + (a)GAI(n) |
6 | So(L)d | NILGAI | NIL + (G)rey (A)nd (I)vory |
7 | b(E)at | INNING | INN + IN + G |
8 | g(O)ing | ERNANI | ARNE * + (g)IN(g) < |
9 | (F)or or (F)an | NO FEAR | (OR FAN + E) * |
10 | see(M)ing | BISSON | ON after (BIS + S) |
11 | mad(E) | RAT RUN | A in (R + TURN *) |
12 | Da(N)te | DUNITE | D + UNITE |
13 | t(W)o | AENEID | (DIE + NEA(r)) < |
14 | (H)is | DISCED | DC around IS + ED |
15 | Fl(O)at | ASHETS | AS + THE * + S |
16 | S(C)ours | REESTS | RESTS around E |
17 | draw(L) | STYLET | (che)STY LET(hargy) |
18 | b(O)ars | INGOTS | IN + GO + T(hat’)S |
19 | (S)hoot | LORIOT | (fai)L (t)O + RIOT |
20 | Past(E) | TO-FALL | (OF + ALL) after (documen)T |
21 | F(I)led | TRANCE | RAN in (T(he) C(ourtyard) E(ntrance)) |
22 | see(N) | ARIDER | A + RID + ER |
23 | Depo(R)t | ARMORY | OR in ARMY |
24 | ro(O)ds | FULCRA | (doubt)FUL CRA(nmer’s) |
25 | d(U)resses | RIDING | DI in RING |
26 | be(N)t | OFFING | (NIFF in GO) < |
27 | name(D) | GARRON | GARROT with N for T |
28 | W(A)in | HAVE IT | HIT around AVE |
29 | (H)anger | HUMERI | HUM + IRE < |
30 | l(E)ast | HURDLE | HURLED with last letter moved up |
31 | defile(R) | RUCOLA | COL in ((fo)R (yo)U + A) |
32 | time(D) | ALWAYS | WAY in ALS |
33 | Sol(O) | AUSTEN | AU + STEN |
34 | (F)lag | RUSTLE | RULE around ST |
35 | glide(D) | WOLFER | (RE + FLOW) < |
36 | (E)Bay | SKEWER | SER around KEW |
37 | c(E)ase | PEWTER | PETER around W |
38 | warble(R) | AMORET | A + MORE + T |