The corrections to misprints in the clues, in order of the corresponding grid entries, spelt out “These are the only 102 of which the news has come to Harvard”, paraphrasing the penultimate line of a song written by Tom Lehrer in 1959, called The Elements. In it he recited the names of all the chemical elements then known, to the approximate tune of the major-general’s patter song from The Pirates of Penzance. The start and end of the song were as follows:
There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium … And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc, and rhodium, And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin, and sodium. These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard, And there may be many others, but they haven’t been discovered.
After the entries in rows 1 and 10 of the grid were jumbled, the rows consisted of the symbols for all the elements listed in the song’s first four lines, in order. Any upper, lower or mixed case for the symbols was accepted. The two blank cells in the grid were filled with L and R, for lawrencium (Lr), the next element to be discovered after the song was written. These letters also completed TOM LEHRER in the main diagonal.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
Misprint | Answer | Explanation |
guil(T) | ABASHLESS | (A + BLESS) around ASH |
Por(T)er | ALE | homophone of AIL |
quit(E) | ALL-TO | ALTO around L(ead) |
r(O)ots | AMLA | ((Bhop)AL MA(inly)) < |
Gr(E)at | A ONE | SAÔNE − S |
Par(T) | ARLINGHAM | A + R + LING + HAM |
o(F) | AURUM | ARM alternating with U,U |
B(Y)gone | AWAVE | A + W(inds) + AVE |
cas(H) | BALBOAS | BAL + BOAS |
S(A)lves | BALMS | (pro)B(lem) + ALMS |
hun(T)er | BOONE | BOON + E |
tr(A)ps | DENNETS | NET’S after DEN |
t(H)at | ENRON | (bottl)E + NR + ON |
(W)oman | ENTÊTÉE | TEE after ENTE(r) |
Norma(N) | EURE | EUREKA − KA |
El(A)te | EXALT | EX + ALT |
S(H)e | FILLIES | FILL + IE + S |
abo(D)e | GER | EG < + R |
(H)e | H-BOMB | (MOB in BH) <; ref. helium |
skin(S) | INTIMAE | I + MATINÉ(e) * |
G(O)an | KACHAHRIS | (C(anaria) + H + A + H + A RISK) * |
gam(E) | LOTTO | T(iger-mea)T in LOO |
he(A)d | MADAM | MAD + AM |
Pol(E)’s | MAGDA | MA + G’DA(y) |
Cran(E) | MARABOU | ARM * + A + B + OU |
D(O) | MARQUEE | MARQUE + E(steem) |
(2)019 | MIRADOR | RADIO * in RM < |
S(H)eltered | NESTED | S(unha)T in NEED |
Po(S)t | NEWEL | homophone of KNEW + EL |
(W)ay | NINETIETH | (IN + E + THEN IT) * |
(M)ag | NME | N + ME; ref. New Musical Express |
(S)tem | OATEN | (A NOTE) * |
rule(R) | OFFA | OF + FA |
st(E)ps | PAVANE | (A + VAN) in PE |
limb(O) | PENDING | PEN + DING |
(C)arry | PRACTISE | ACT in PRISE |
(H)itting | RAPPER | REP < after RAP |
(C)ut | REDIVIDED | RED + I + VIDE + D |
he(L)p | REHAB | (HE in BAR) < |
gr(I)nder | RYNDS | (Mancheste)R (Cit)Y (fa)N (woul)D (embarras)S |
Jam(E)s | SID | (D(oor) + I’S) < |
(H)ail | STANE | SANE around T |
98(0) | TARA | TA + RA |
fo(R) | TEN-WEEK | (W + KETENE) * |
Ha(V)ing | UREIC | (CURE I) * |
Gle(N) | VALE | 2 meanings |
19(1)2 | VENUE | ((G)E(n)U(i)N(e) E(n)V(y)) < |
ne(R)d | WEENY | 2 meanings |