This puzzle was a memorial to Nibor (Robin Baxter), who set Listener crosswords from 1975 to 2014. The letters missing from clues and added in the grid formed a cross of NIBOR and RTBAXTER, with RIP below. The other missing letters spelt “Death, where is thy sting?” The perimeter answers were words from his puzzle titles, with types of wasp added. The example in the preamble was another, using OUT (from Listeners 2340 and 3898) and the FIG wasp. In many of his Listener puzzles, Nibor used letters that were missing from clues and/or inserted into grid entries, and encodings involving alphabetically adding letters, all of which were reflected by the gimmicks in this puzzle. Robin Baxter was a Greek scholar and his Listener crosswords were often on musical themes, so the wasps were a nod to Aristophanes’ play The Wasps and the incidental music written for it by Vaughan Williams. Robin was also the first winner of the Solver Silver Salver.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Wasp/ |
Answer | Explanation |
Perimeter | |||
10 | HORNET | REASON | (furo)RE AS ON(e) |
37 | CUCKOO FLY | FORTY-FIVE | 2 meanings |
36 | RUBY-TAIL | SYMPHONY | (child’)S (to)Y (dru)M + PHONY |
14 | MASON | TROUT | TR + OUT |
1 | GOLD | AWAY | A + WAY |
4 | BEMBEX | SAFARI | (I + RAF + AS) < |
Across | |||
8 | go(D) | JOVIAL | JO(b) + VIAL |
9 | win(E) | JEREZ | JEEZ around R(ewards) |
11 | Le(A)rner | HOWL | ((L)O(e)W(e) + L) after H(earing) |
12 | We(T) | RAIYAT | RAINY − N + AT |
13 | Go[T] | SHADER | HAD in SER |
14 | [B]rest’s | GARNI | (IN + RAG) < |
16 | b[O]ard | RUNG | 3 meanings |
18 | l[A]unch | ELOGIST | LOG in (h)EIST |
19 | Pert(H) | WEAN | WANE with E moved earlier |
21 | (W)Ant | ITCH | (bl)I(gh)T(ed) C(as)H(ew) |
22 | [T]Angle | PISCEAN | (ICE PANS) * |
26 | s(H)ort | BROCA | BROA(d) around C |
28 | Ch[E]at | SCROW | SCREW with O for E |
30 | b[R]aking | SLOW-UP | ’S + LOW + UP |
32 | rag(E)’s | OMENTA | (g)O MENTA(l) |
33 | No(R)se | NORN | NOR + (Roma)N |
34 | tens(E) | TITER | TIER around T |
35 | s[P]lit | IN FOR | INFOR(m) |
Down | |||
1 | no(I)se | HOO-HAH | (O + O + HA’) in HH |
2 | fu[N]gal | MILDEN | MILDEW with N for last letter |
3 | ma[I]nly | CAVEL | CAVEL(l) |
4 | co[R]ps | ULT | CULT − C |
5 | e[R]g | SEIF | SEI + F |
6 | (S)peaking | CRY QUITS | Spoonerism of (KWAI + CRITS) |
7 | s(T)ocks | WEAK | WAKE * |
9 | t(H)is | JAROOL | RAJ < + LOO < |
15 | Commi[X]es | BATE | ((fe)EB(le) + TA) * |
17 | touch(Y) | MASORETH | M’ + A + SORE + TH(e) |
20 | b[R]eads | YEAST | YET around AS |
21 | (S)port | INCONNU | INC + ON + NU |
23 | Aslan(T) | ASLOPE | AS + LOPE |
24 | o(I)dium | KOUROI | (ris)K OUR OI(dium) |
27 | (N)ice | CUNEO | CO around UNE |
29 | Amon(G) | AMID | (pyr)AMID |
31 | ne[I]ther | RAN | (p)RAN(k) |