Corrections to the misprints in clues spelt out “Tell me what thy lordly name is; Corvus corax”, a line from Poe’s poem The Raven and the binomial name of the raven species. The extra letters in 52ac formed the raven’s response, “Nevermore”. “Poe” and the adjectives “ghastly”, “grim” and “ancient”, from the previous line of the poem, formed the outline of a raven-shaped area in the grid; the contents of these cells were moved to rest atop PALLAS, as in the poem. The puzzle’s title is a synonym for “ravenous”.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint/ |
Answer (entry) | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | hun(T) | SEARCH | SE(e) + ARCH |
7 | SIDEARM (EIRDAMS) | (S)E(n)I(o)R + DAMS | |
13 | B(E)low’s | UNDERLAP | UPLANDER * |
15 | Lul(L) | QUIET | QUESTION * − SON * |
16 | DETERRING (ITERENGRD) | I + T + ER + ENG + DR < | |
17 | DOSED (SODDE) | ODD in SE(rf) | |
18 | f(L)yer | TINAMOU | MANITOU * |
20 | AILED (ADLIE) | AD + LIE | |
22 | ODISM (DISMO) | DI’S + MO | |
23 | HERNIA (REHAIN) | HA’ in REIN | |
27 | ANTI-HERO (HORINATE) | H + OR + IN + ATE | |
29 | (M)en | GODS | GOODS − O |
32 | PURI (RUPI) | (d)RUI(d) around P | |
34 | (E)lder | ANCESTOR | (CRONE SAT) * |
36 | MYRTLE (LEMTRY) | LEM + TRY | |
39 | LAY-UP (ULYPA) | (d)ULY + PA | |
43 | (W)ealth | CASTE | homophone of CAST |
44 | TOURISM (RIMOUST) | T after RIMOUS | |
46 | S(H)ines | LEMES | EM in LES |
49 | Y(A)le | ACING | ACTING − T |
50 | (T)orrid | SULTRIER | LUS(h) < + TRIER |
51 | OPERATE (TAREPOE) | T + OPERA < + E | |
52 | [Vermeer no]t | TEENSY | T + (SEEN + (recentl)Y) * |
Down | |||
1 | in(T)entions | SUITORS | SUS around (I + TOR) |
3 | (H)ome | ADENI | (bro)ADENI(ng) |
4 | repla(Y)ed | RERAN | RN around ERA |
5 | pi(L)e | CREM | MERC < |
6 | Cr(O)wley | MAGUS | M/S around (A + GU) |
8 | (R)oof | INDOOR | (IRON + (C)OD(y)) * |
9 | foo(D)s | DUODENUM | DUO + DEN + UM |
10 | He(L)p | AID | (DIAPERS − PERS) < |
11 | (Y)ellow | MEDIC | 2 meanings |
12 | co(N)n | STEER | ST + REE < |
14 | (A)ds | PROMOS | PRO + M(oderation) O(f) S(ite) |
17 | (M)ockery | SATIRE | (WATER IS) * − W |
19 | b(E)ast | OINK | OK around IN |
21 | d(I)d | LEAPT | PLATE * |
24 | (S)windle | HOCUS | HOC + SU(n) < |
25 | DETAINEE (ADEITENE) | (ENE + TIED + A) < | |
26 | (C)omes | ISSUES | 2 meanings |
28 | y(O)kes | TIRASSES | ASS in TIRES |
30 | te(R)ms | COLOGS | LO in COGS |
31 | PAIL (ALPI) | PI after AL | |
33 | (V)ocation | MYSTERY | MY + STORY with (gon)E for O |
35 | P(U)t | TURN TO | TURN + TO |
37 | (S)how | ÉCLAT | TALE < around C |
38 | sa(C)s | CAECA | CA’ + ACE < |
40 | RUTTY (YRTUT) | YR + TUT | |
41 | l(O)ng | LOIRE | LOIR + E |
42 | flowe(R) | LUPIN | L + UP IN |
45 | M(A)rry | MATE | 2 meanings |
47 | e(X)erting | MIR | (ad)MIR(able) |