The corrections to clue misprints spelt out “Lewis and Clark; highlight one mountain range and three rivers”. The highlighting represented the course of the 19th-century expedition by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the western part of the Louisiana Purchase: Lewis travelled down the OHIO River to meet Clark, from where they went up the MISSOURI, over the ROCKIES and down the COLUMBIA to the Pacific Ocean. The features were all shown in their approximate geographical positions, with the rivers all reading in their direction of flow. The military unit formed for the expedition was called the CORPS OF DISCOVERY, shown in the bottom row of the grid.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | (L)ooking | AEGIS | AE + GIS |
5 | J(E)ws | SIDDUR | (RUDD + IS) < |
9 | cla(W) | SCRAB | S(ee) + CRAB |
13 | Best(I)r | EXERT | REX < in ET |
14 | In(S)ect | CHIGGER | EGG-RICH * |
16 | Sm(A)ll | SOU | SO + U |
17 | Brai(N) | LOBES | LO + BES(t) |
18 | Gree(D) | PLACEMAN | PLACE + MAN |
19 | (C)roat | SLIVOWITZ | (VIZ SIT LOW) * |
20 | he(L)p | AIDE | IDEA * |
21 | pe(A)k | KIPP | 2 meanings |
23 | A(R)ab’s | QANAT | QT around ANA |
25 | Trac(K) | ROAD | A in ROD |
26 | ric(H) | IMARI | (p)(r)IMARI(l)(y) |
27 | str(I)p | UNDEIFY | FUNDIE * + Y |
28 | (G)rowing | ALPINE | (E + PLAIN) * |
31 | W(H)ite | ZORIL | Z + OR + I + L |
32 | (L)and | MOOR | ROOM < |
34 | Conce(I)ted | PSEUDO | OED(i)PUS * |
38 | (G)lowing | AGLOW | AG + LOW |
39 | (H)ome | ENCAMP | (EN + P) around CAM |
40 | wa(T)er | SODA | SO + DA |
41 | Fo(O)d | MULLET | (TELL + UM) < |
42 | (N)ellies | MOPOKES | (SPOOK ME) * |
43 | Irvin(E)’s | CORPSE | COR + POSE − O |
44 | (M)ake | DISCOVERY | VERY after DISCO |
Down | |||
1 | ag(O) | AESC | A + ESC |
2 | (U)FOs | EXOBIOLOGY | (IE around BOX) < + O’ + LOGY |
3 | Ave(N)s | GEUM | GM around EU |
4 | foo(T) | STOCKING | (GOC KNITS) * |
5 | Ex(A)lted | SUBLIME | SUB- + LIME |
6 | m(I)nes | ICE SPAR | SCRAPIE * |
7 | D(N)A | DIPLOID | (I/O + LP) < in DID |
8 | g(R)owing | UGLI | (unpl)UG LI(ght) |
9 | b(A)ck | SECOND | ENDS * around CO |
10 | Vau(N)ted | CREW | C(hurch) R(ound) E(very) W(indow) |
11 | (G)ive | REMIT | R + TIME < |
12 | (E)lement | BENZOYL | ZONE * in BY + L |
15 | (A)id | PATHFINDER | (IN FAR DEPTH) * |
17 | si(N)ger | LIED | L(ying) I(n) E(nemy) D(itch) |
20 | use(D) | ARAMAIC | (A + MARA) < + I/C |
22 | (T)here | PREENED | PREE + NED |
23 | (H)andle | QUIDAMS | QUID + A + MS |
24 | Yea(R)s | AEONS | (p)AEONS |
29 | b(E)ars | POLAR | PO + LAR |
30 | typ(E) | ROMO | PROMO − P |
31 | lighte(R) | ZIPPO | 2 meanings |
33 | Roll(I)ck | ROMP | (f)ROM P(innace) |
34 | (V)aulting | POLE | L in POE |
35 | (E)go | SELF | ELF after S |
36 | (R)isible | JOKE | JE around OK |
37 | (S)imple | EASY | (Clar)E A SY(mbol) |