Corrections to the misprints in clues gave “Grigori Rasputin” and “orchestrating has messed up a tune of his”. Rasputin’s description FELONIOUS MONK appeared diagonally down the grid, ending in a square of cells containing MONK. The second part was a cryptic clue for Straight, No Chaser, a composition by Thelonious Monk; to represent this, STRAIGHT at 5ac was kept in the grid but CHASER at 13dn was erased. The F in the first cell was changed to TH to make THELONIOUS, the MONK cells shaded blue to represent Blue Monk, and a circle drawn through MIDNIGHT to depict Round Midnight. Finaly, the MONK shading was expanded into a disc as a representation of Sphere, Monk’s middle name.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | lin(G) | FRESH | FISH with RE for I |
5 | Up(R)ight | STRAIGHT | ARTIST * around GH |
11 | co(I)n | RELY | RECENTLY − CENT |
12 | bi(G) | AIRBUS | (SUBURBIA’S − SUB) * |
14 | S(O)ng | INLAY | (f)IN(e) + LAY |
15 | c(R)eating | WORKSHOP | (TEEN + WORKSHOP) * = KNOW THE ROPES |
18 | P(I)pe | FLUATE | FLUE around AT |
19 | co(R)e | LYSANDER | Y(aw)S in LANDER |
22 | tr(A)ck | SAIKEI | (IS A) * + KEI(rin) |
24 | (S)urat’s | LATHEES | (HE LEAST) * |
26 | (P)enny | FRAUD | FRAU + D |
29 | l(U)ng | SARIN | SARIN(g) |
30 | ha(T)e | ENEMIES | SEE < around (ME IN) * |
31 | p(I)nk | UPROSE | U(nhi)P + ROSE |
38 | Ch(O)p | DEHORN | H in DRONE * |
41 | (R)eflective | ELEGIACS | (EG + I) in SCALE < |
42 | (C)alf | ANKLE | ANK(h) + LE(g) |
43 | (H)eading | MAZARD | (h)AZARD after M(acbeth) |
44 | L(E)ft | NEAR | (N + GEAR) − G |
45 | be(S)et | RED ALERT | LE in TRADER < |
46 | sea(T) | SEDES | palindrome |
Down | |||
1 | (R)unnels | FRILLS | F + RILLS |
2 | cr(A)ck | RENT | ((twis)T NER(ve)) < |
3 | ho(T) | ELLIS | HELLISH − H on both sides |
4 | (I)ota | HAYDN | HAY + DIN − I |
6 | i(N) | TROPE | (r)EPORT < |
7 | (G)arble | AUKLETS | LEAST * around UK |
8 | (H)eaded | ISSUE | (t)ISSUE |
9 | ro(A)sting | HOOT | HOT around O |
10 | (S)ots | TOPERS | TROPE * + S; ref. 6dn |
13 | stor(M) | CHASER | SEARCH * |
16 | Fin(E) | OAKUM | OK around A + U + M |
17 | ri(S)es | EDITED | DECIDE < with T for C |
20 | (S)alt | RAGUSA | RAGU + SA(lt) |
21 | Ga(E)lic | FEIS | F(ir)E + IS |
23 | hi(D)es | ARNA | (B)ARNA(by) |
24 | M(U)rcia | LOS | 2 meanings |
25 | (P)uss | HAREM | HARE + M |
27 | (A)ce | AETHER | A + THERE * |
28 | (T)ailor | DIARIAL | AIRMAILED * − (M, E) |
30 | m(U)ddle | ENDEAR | (s)ERENAD(e) * |
32 | so(N)s | ESTERS | TREES * around S |
33 | Canin(E) | DOGMA | DOG + M + A |
35 | audi(O) | IN-CAR | INC + AR |
36 | oa(F)s | SWADS | DAWS < + (pas)S |
37 | W(H)ite | COKED | COKE + D |
39 | UN(I) | ELSE | E(ngaged) + LSE |
40 | exci(S)ed | ALAE | (b)A(y) L(e)A(v)E(s) |