Flappy by Shark

Puzzle explanation

Every extra word in the clues could become a new word with its middle letter removed. These letters spelt out RU(SKIPPER)MEN, KINGS(MONARCH)HOOD, BIB(PEACOCK)LE, M(HEATH)AW, representing “butterflies in the stomach” (using the four stomachs of a ruminant, in order). The highlighted rows in the grid contained similar examples: P(ADMIRAL)AUNCH, BON(PAPILIO)NET, FA(VANESSA)RDEL, RE(BRIMSTONE)AD, also giving the four ruminant stomachs in order. In the butterfly drawn in the grid, the filled-in Os represented the ends of its antennae and the curve of each wing traced CARDINAL. The puzzle marked National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day (3 October) in the USA.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Extra word Answer Explanation
1 reco(R)ding BLACKPOOL BLACKPOLL with O for L
8 grad(U)ated DUOS DUMBOS − MB
12 bat(S)man PAD DAP <
13 spar(K)ling MIRA MIRANDA − AND
14 ser(I)ous LAUNCH LUNCH around A
15 scra(P)ping ENOW E + NOW
16 re(P)ly SOM SOM(e)
18 jo(E)ys PAP 2 meanings
19 ma(R)sh LIONET LIT around ONE
20 fil(M)ing BLIP BLIMP − M
22 ch(E)ap SHALOT ST around HALO
24 bar(K)ing LEFTIE LEFT + IE
26 sol(I)der DURAL LARD < around U
27 war(N)ing BLADER BLADDER − D
29 ru(G)by DRAMAS SAD < around RAM
31 resi(S)ting FADEUR EUR after FAD
32 Ta(M)pa DENIM MINED <
36 overl(O)ading ORA OR + A
37 alter(N)ative PERAK (E + R) in PAK
38 par(A)ded RIATA AIR < + TA
39 lo(R)ry VANES VAN + (di)ES(el)
40 co(C)ky SARDEL SARD + (h)EL(p)
41 apat(H)etic OSCITATE OS + C + I + TATE
42 t(H)e DERMA (mur)DER MA(fia)
2 bar(O)net LANOLIN NOL(l) in LAIN
3 gl(O)om ADONIC A + DO + NIC(e)
4 du(D)es KIVA IV in KA
5 dou(B)ted PROPYLA PROPYL + A
6 rev(I)ved OASIS AS IS after O
7 cele(B)rity LAMIA ANIMAL < − N
9 Bum(P)kin UNKNOT (TONK + NU(t)) <
10 br(E)ak OCTET O’ + C + TET
11 car(A)mel SHATTERY HATTER in S(ickl)Y
12 Sta(C)ked PEBBLED BBL in PEED
17 bar(O)que SOL-FAED SOL + DEAF *
21 Addi(C)tion ATRAMENT AT + RAMEN + T(his)
25 li(K)ed ELDORADO ELD + (f)OR + ADO
26 reve(L)ries DANA (Min)DANA(o)
27 th(E)ir BACKSET BACK (a vat) + SET
30 not(H)ing SCREAM SCAM around RE
31 Br(E)ad FEASTS E in FASTS
32 ro(A)ds DO FOR FORDO with letters cycled
33 Mus(T)ang ERASE (bump)ER AS E(xits)
34 us(H)er CADRE CAD + RE
35 ch(A)in SALAD SAL(e) + AD
37 T(W)o PAIR I in PAR
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