The initials of the moved words, which occurred in alternate clues (ie, “going between” the others), spelt out “ODQ, L. P. Hartley, The Go-Between”, leading to the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations entry “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” In the grid, THE PAST in a diagonal was replaced by AUSTRIA and the unclued entries HOSTED and NIGHTY were completed using the letters (differently) of THEY DO THINGS. ASSYRIA (an ancient foreign country) was also accepted, making crossing entries of MASS instead of MASU and SAYAN, a somewhat obscure proper noun, instead of SATAN.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Moved word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
7 | (lettuce) outside | CISCOS | IS in (C + COS) |
12 | SOME | (Mn)EMOS(yne) < | |
13 | (half) destroyed (UK’s) | FOGHORN | F + O’ + G + HO(pe) + RN |
14 | HOUSE-CARL | (CHAOS RULE) * | |
15 | (Fry) QI (introduced) | TRIN | (S)T(ephen) (F)R(y) (Q)I (i)N(troduced) |
16 | OTTER | OTT-ER (comparative of OTT) | |
17 | (is) less (regularly) | SPEOSES | S(u)P(r)E(m)O (i)S (l)E(s)S |
20 | TRAT | TART < | |
21 | (to) pin (edges) | THRIMSA | THA(t) around RIMS |
23 | AURAL | A + URAL | |
25 | (what) hears (noble) | EARLAP | EARL + AP |
27 | ARIOSI | (I + SO + IRA) < | |
29 | (round,) Abe (possibly) | PRESE | PRES + (Ab)E |
32 | AGELONG | (GEL + ON) in AG | |
34 | (fishes,) Rab’s (showing) | SLEE | EELS < |
36 | NEOLITH | (archeologis)T in (HOLE IN) * | |
38 | (animal) Tykes (stores) | MALTY | (ani)MAL TY(kes) |
39 | OPEN | NOPE with letters cycled | |
42 | long-winded (state) | OPEROSITY | (c)OPY around TORIES * |
43 | LIMITER | LIER around MIT | |
44 | (Oddly) excluded (set) | EUOI | (s)E(t) U(p)O(n) I(n) |
45 | MAENAD | MA(d) + DANE < | |
46 | (of) youngish (leader) | HEADMAN | MAENAD * after (youngis)H |
Down | |||
2 | WOOF | 2 meanings | |
3 | (you) titter (scream) | AMUSER | (SCREAM * − C) around U |
4 | DESPOIL | DEIL around OP’S < | |
5 | (begin) half (a) | DUET | T after DUE |
6 | LUCRE | LURE around C(roesus) | |
7 | (reduced) eye (covering) | CORNEA | COR + NEA(t) |
8 | SHOTT | (Emirate)S’ (ditc)H (s)O + TT | |
9 | (Conservative) gallery (content) | CONTRA | CON + ART < |
10 | ORDEALS | (DIE − I) in ORALS | |
11 | (single) over (soon) | SNIRT | S(oo)N I R(oo)T |
18 | (voided) Brazil | SAPAN | S + AP + A(gai)N |
19 | SURE | SUR + E(lysée) or (Elysé)E | |
22 | (King) Edward | MASH | M + HAS * |
26 | (organ) Terrible (appraisal) | APLASIA | (APPRAISAL − PR) * |
28 | ILL-USED | DUELLIST * − T(ouché) | |
30 | (up) Wick’s (yard) | RELUME | REE around LUM |
31 | ELOPED | POLE < + (aqu)ED(uct) | |
33 | (Blame) enveloping (current) | OIDIUM | ODIUM around I |
34 | SMALM | SMALL with M for final L | |
35 | erstwhile (Giant’s) | ETTIN | (b)ETTIN(g) |
37 | EERIE | DEARIE ME = (EERIE + MAD) * | |
40 | (often) Naturally (ascendant) | NOVA | (A(ustralian) V(ictories) O(ften) N(aturally)) < |
41 | STOA | (lead)S TO A(thenian) |