The treatment applied to answers and words in clues was shortening by two or three letters, corresponding to an eagle (two under par) or an albatross (three under par) in golf. The highlighted words in the grid were ALCATRAS (an albatross) and ERNE (an eagle), both seabirds. The letters truncated from 32ac ESCH(AR), 4dn ALCA(IDE) and 20dn QUINTROO(NS) formed SARDINE. The title refers to a golf course.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Modified word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
11 | star(ch) | AMYLOSE | MAY * + LOSE |
12 | the(te) | HELOT | (THE + OL(ympics)) * |
14 | DEPURATION | DEP + RATION after (J)U(ne) | |
15 | ART AUTRE | (TAU in ART) + RE | |
17 | or(der) | FIAT | FAT around I |
19 | TRIQUETRA | (IT + QUARTER) * | |
21 | art(ist) | TETRA | TET + RA |
23 | PIANO | PI + (ON + A) < | |
26 | SACQUE | SAC(het) + QUE | |
27 | Was(te) | URINE | BRINE with U for first letter |
29 | DENSITIES | DENIES around IT’S * | |
30 | Count(ry) | SNIG | GINS < |
32 | ESCHAR | (fir)ES CHAR(red) | |
34 | FACTORIES | ACTOR in (FIE + S(tage)) | |
36 | pass(age) | SPRUCE UP | SPRUE around C + UP |
37 | so(uth) | SORRA | S + ORRA |
38 | who(re) | REPROOF | RE + PRO + OF |
39 | but(ton) | BANDOLEONS | BAND + (SOLO + E + N(othing)) * |
Down | |||
2 | IMBRICES | MB in IR + ICES | |
3 | fun(gal) | NYSTATIN | NY + STATION − O |
4 | ALCAIDE | ALCALDE with I for L | |
5 | NODULATED | NO + ADULT * + E + D | |
6 | rib(bon) | HEPATICA | TAPE < in (HIC + A) |
7 | sum(ach) | RHUS | (thi)R(teen) + (t)H(ree) + (fo)U(r) + S(ix) |
8 | OERLIKON | (ORIOLE + KN) * | |
9 | COTHURNUS | CO + HURT * + SUN < | |
10 | Wish(aw) | STIMES | IT < in MESS * |
13 | Hand(le) | HAFT | FT after (emp)HA(tic) |
20 | QUINTROONS | QUINS around TROON | |
22 | not(ice) | EYE-SPOT | EYE + SPOT |
24 | Lett(er) | ODESSA | (ES + S) in ODA |
25 | command(er) | ASHURA | (p)ASHA around UR |
27 | UNAPPLIED | UN + APP + LIED | |
28 | EGRESS | REGRESS − R | |
31 | IONONES | ((whit)E + ONIONS) * | |
33 | lava(bo) | SCAN | CAN after (Vesuviu)S |
35 | aster(oid) | CERE | CERE(s) |