The corrections to clue misprints spelt out “tangram” and O Tannenbaum. The completed grid was dissected into the seven standard tangram pieces, with their edges guided by the letters omitted in wordplay (in blue in the intermediate grid shown here). The pieces were then rearranged by matching those edge letters, to produce a Christmas tree with MERRY CHRISTMAS appearing in two rows. The title refers to deal as wood from a fir or pine.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer (unclued letters) | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | RISPETTO | PRIEST * + TO | |
7 | (T)imber | BEAM | MAB < around E(lves) |
11 | (A)nsate | ANKHS | KHAN * + S |
13 | (N)avarin | SALMI | SAL + MI |
14 | (G)all | VENOM | (N + MOVE) * |
15 | SO(U)SED | SOS-ED | |
16 | hu(R)t | PAIN | PAN around I |
17 | SPE(A)R | REPS < | |
19 | HUMEC(T) | HUM + SEC − S | |
20 | VIBRA(T)O | (VI + O) around BRA | |
22 | ANATH(E)MA | (MANHATTAN − N − T) * | |
27 | S(U)DATORY | STORY around DA | |
29 | (A)vian | TOUCAN | YOU CAN with T(asty) for (tast)Y |
31 | URG(E)NT | (G + TURN) * | |
33 | (M)ud | SLAB | BAILS < − I(nterference) |
35 | AGIO | A + G + I(nvestment O(pportunity) | |
36 | ATI(L)T | AT IT | |
37 | P(O)ms | BRITS | B + R + IS around T(hese) |
38 | RENTE | ENTER with letters cycled | |
39 | (T)ype | COHOE | (mandibl)E after COHO(rt) |
40 | (A)NTSY | T(ourist)S in NY | |
41 | DET(E)RR(I)NG | (DET + NG) around RR | |
Down | |||
2 | L(A)ke’s | INFAUNA | A in (IN FUN + A) |
3 | mea(N)s | PHENETICS | (IN THE SPEC) * |
4 | TWOSOM(E)S | (SO + W + MOST) * | |
5 | mou(N)d | TUMP | PUT < around M |
6 | bon(E)s | OSSEIN | NOISES * |
8 | EL(U)SORY | RELY * around SO | |
9 | AMEN(T)A | A + NAME * | |
10 | MID(I) | DIM < | |
11 | ASPHA(L)T | AS + PHAT | |
12 | SNA(T)CH | ((te)N + A + C) in SH | |
18 | (A)RBITRATOR | BIT-RAT(e) in (R + O’ + R) | |
21 | acce(N)ted | OXYTONE | OXY + T(aking) + ONE |
23 | AD(U)MBRAT(E) | TABARD * around M(isfortune) | |
24 | IR(E)NICON | IR + ’N’ + I(raq) + CON | |
25 | (B)arneys | RUN-INS | N in RUINS |
26 | s(A)lt | SALTED | S + DELTA * |
28 | s(U)ite | AULIC | AURIC with L for R |
30 | Tea(M) | OCTET | ETC < in (O + T) |
32 | VAR(A)N | VAR + N | |
34 | ABYE | A + BYE |