The game at 11dn was Chase the Ace. The extra words in clues were in each case a meaning of “ace” along with another word. The unclued entries were noted female tennis players, Chris EVERT, Serena or Venus WILLIAMS and Steffi GRAF. Pam at 1ac was the subject of the quotation from John Betjeman’s Pot Pourri from a Surrey Garden:
Pam, I adore you, Pam, you great big mountainous sports girl,
Whizzing them over the net, full of the strength of five
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra words | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | PAM | (Mayha)P A M(ountainous); ref. “Pam, you great big mountainous sports girl” | |
10 | EGOIST | EG + IS in OT | |
12 | one (P)oo(R) | OMEGA | O + GAME * |
13 | VOR | V + OR | |
15 | HOBOISM | HM around OBOIS(t) | |
16 | ALOHA | (A + homophone of LOW + A) around H | |
17 | NATO | (S)(e)NATO(r)(s) | |
18 | outstanding (U)ganda(N) | FLYING SQUAD | (SQUIDGY FLAN) * |
21 | CETANE | CANE around E(ncampmen)T | |
24 | OLD MASTER | (ART MODELS) * | |
26 | HUSSY | ((w)H(i)S(k)S (b)Y) around U(nderwear) | |
29 | (T)ensio(N) unit | MISSAE | MISS + A(irfram)E |
31 | ELENCH | (H)ELEN CH(allenged) | |
32 | GRAPH PAPER | RAG * + P + H + PAPER | |
33 | AGE | AGE(nda) | |
35 | Paragon (N)ea(R) | NOMADIC | DOMINICA * − I |
37 | MORN | homophone of MOURN | |
38 | IDES | (w)IDES(t) | |
39 | NEIL | LIEN < | |
Down | |||
2 | AGON | (w)AGON | |
3 | MORAYS | MAY around OR + S(ilver) | |
5 | (T)ornad(O) pilot | ITCH | (b)ITCH |
6 | ZOOM | MOO < after Z | |
7 | IMBRUE | (I’M + RUE) around B | |
8 | NEONATE | NEON + ATE | |
9 | TASTE | S(hakespeare) in TATE | |
14 | (F)ilipin(O) Whit | MONDAY | (MANY DO) * |
19 | ALUM-ROOT | (MURAL TOO) * | |
20 | ESCAPIST | (IS SET) * around CAP | |
22 | ARENA | ((cle)ANER A(tmosphere)) < | |
23 | hotshot (A)fghan(I) | NARC | homophone of NARK |
25 | RELEVE | ((k)EEL (o)VER) * | |
27 | Serve (O)rang(E) | PEPINO | PEP + IN + O |
36 | MIS | M + IS | |
37 | MIL | (fa)MIL(iar) |