The extra letters in wordplay of across clues spelt “Brexit means Brexit — PM May”. The left side of the grid had EU removed from some answers and represented half of an English flag, with the names FARAGE and JACOB REES-MOGG forming half of a cross of St George. In the right side, UK was removed from some answers, and the resolved clashes gave Barnier, arranged like the stars on (half of) an EU flag. Any colours were accepted for the highlighting.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer (unclued letters) | Explanation [extra letter] |
Across | ||
1 | R(EU)TERS | (repo)RTERS |
5 | J(UK)EBOXES | (SEX + OBE) < after J(ob) |
10 | OGEE | ([B]E + EGO) < |
11 | ACAPNIA | (A PAI[R] CAN) |
13 | INK-SAC | (IN CAS[E] + (attac)K) * |
14 | WADI | DI[X] after (W + A) |
16 | SOOT | SO + O + [I]T |
17 | GED | G(lu)E [T](este)D |
18 | NITE | TI[M]E * after (afternoo)N |
19 | WHARVE | (W[E] HEAR + V) * |
20 | SLED | DE[A]LS < |
21 | URBANE | UR[N] + BANE |
25 | FARAGE | FAR + [S]AGE |
27 | ATTACH | TA in [B]ATCH |
29 | INSECT | [R]INSE + C(arpe)T |
30 | ET AL | [E]LATE < |
33 | ROUTES | (SET U[X]OR) < |
36 | SAFE | (U)SA [I]F E(uropean) |
37 | LUM | L(owland) + [T]UM |
38 | ÂMES | A + ME[P]S |
39 | OSSI | [M]ISO’S * |
40 | ATAXIA | [M]AA around TAXI |
41 | REALIGN | ALI in [A]NGER < |
42 | EVEN | SEVENT[Y] − S − T |
43 | N(EU)ROLOGY | (YGO + LORN) < |
44 | D(UK)EDOM | (MODE + D) < |
Down | ||
1 | R(EU)NIONS | ONIONS with R(ed) for O(range) |
2 | TONSIL | TOIL around N/S |
3 | RESTED | homophone of WRESTED |
4 | SEA SLUGS | (GLASSES + (teq)U(ila)) * |
5 | JACOB | JA + BOB with C for first letter |
6 | BAIT | BIT around A(ngler) |
8 | EIDENT | I in (EDEN + T(artan)) |
9 | SAIDEST | SA + IDES + (tes)T |
12 | AVOW | (A + VW) around O |
15 | D(EU)TERIUM | (MUD around (I + RET)) < |
17 | GREAT A(UK)S | REATA in GS |
22 | REE | 2 meanings |
23 | BAC | C after BA |
24 | ATTESTED | A + (contrac)T + TESTED |
25 | FORLORN | F OR L OR N |
26 | ANT-HILL | THAN * + ILL |
28 | MOUSER | MO + USER |
30 | ESSIVE | SIEVES * |
31 | ALBINO | (IN LAB) * + O |
32 | L(UK)EWARM | (RAW in MEL) < |
34 | SMOG | S(tock) + M(int) + O(nions) + G(arlic) |
35 | HEAVY | HE + A + V(er)Y |
38 | AGIO | (b)A(r)G(a)I(n) O(n) |