The unclued entry at 4dn was A STITCH IN TIME, and according to the proverb “a stitch in time saves nine”, so the perimeter comprised nine types of sewing stitch. Corrections to the misprints in clues gave examples of a stitch in an amount of time: HO(SADDLE)UR, ER(LAZY DAISY)A, PER(BUTTONHOLE)IOD.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
9 | (H)illocks | KNAPS | SPANK < |
11 | J(O)ck’s | INCHES | HALF-INCHES − HALF |
12 | (S)et | CONTRATE | (ACT + TENOR) * |
13 | Le(A)ches | SEEPS | (thos)E in SEPS |
14 | see(D) | ASHE | (b)ASHE(d), (d)ASHE(d), (l)ASHE(d) or (m)ASHE(d) |
15 | (D)etractor | CRITIC | RIT in CIC |
16 | ce(L)ebration | BEANO | BEAN + O |
17 | M(E)w | GULL | GULF with L(awn) for F |
18 | (U)rea | EGEST | GESTE with last letter moved to the front |
20 | C(R)own | ACCEDE | C(r)E(e)D in ACE |
22 | Fak(E)r’s | POSEUR | PO + RUES < |
24 | (R)et | SOFTEN | (succes)S + OFTEN |
26 | Bo(L)d | HEROIC | HER + O + I(s) C(haste) |
28 | f(A)n | FREAK | (F + R + K) around EA |
29 | da(Z)ed | REEL | RE(b)EL |
31 | (Y)ore | SIEGE | (I + EG) in SE |
32 | Har(D) | SCUTAL | CU in STALL − L |
33 | ch(A)p | SORT | 2 meanings |
34 | d(I)tty | ERATO | RAT in OE < |
35 | (S)ide | SINISTER | IN in SISTER |
36 | enem(Y) | TIN HAT | spoonerism of HINT AT |
37 | se(A)t | MANOR | OR after MAN |
Down | |||
1 | (P)okey | HOOSEGOW | (WHO GOES) * around O |
2 | De(E)p | INTENSE | IN + TENSE |
3 | ho(R)se | NARCO | ARC in NO |
5 | (B)ling | TIETACS | homophone of THAI TAX |
6 | Tr(U)mp’s | INSIDE OF | (SO I FIND) * around (hom)E |
7 | s(T)ub | CHEQUE | homophone of CHECK |
8 | Bea(T) | REPEL | PE in REL |
10 | c(O)at | PARKA | PARK + A |
19 | ma(N) | TURNCOAT | TURN + COT around A |
21 | (H)ue | PEA-GREEN | PEN around AGREE |
23 | American(O) | ROBUSTA | ROBUST + A(rrogance) |
25 | chil(L) | FRISSON | FRI’S SON; ref. nursery rhyme Monday’s Child |
26 | Fu(E)l | HEXANE | HEX + NAME * − M |
27 | bo(I)l | CHANA | CHA around AN |
30 | d(O)sh | EYRIR | RYE < + I’ + R(eykjavik) |
31 | ai(D) | SLING | L in SING |