Each clue contained the name of a bird, but the birds had all “migrated” to a different clue and needed to be restored before solving. The “muddled” birds in the grid were VIREO (column 4), TEREK (column 6) and CRAKE (column 11).
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Correct bird | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | ousel | OPUS | P in OUSEL − EL |
4 | coots | STOCCADO | COOTS * around CAD |
10 | avocet | KATI | KAI around (avoce)T |
11 | rook | COROT | ROO(k) * in (C(rimson) + T(urquoise)) |
13 | prion | TRIOR | RT < around (p)RIO(n) |
14 | pelican | LEMPIRA | (MORE PELICAN) * − ONCE * |
15 | pintail | VITA | V + (PINTAIL − PIN − L) * |
21 | merles | REMBLAI | MER(les) < + BLAI(n) |
23 | elanets | STEALES | (S + ELA(n)ETS) < |
25 | pigeons | CARPET-KNIGHT | (TRACKING THE + P(igeons)) * |
28 | stork | KETA | (stor)K + ATE < |
30 | nuthatch | NARDING | HARDING with N(uthatch) for the first letter |
31 | ortolans | IVORY | IVY around OR(tolans) |
32 | peewit | TWIER | (PEEWIT − PE) * + R |
33 | goosander | GOOR | GOOSANDER − DANES * |
34 | serin | INTRORSE | SERIN * around ROT * |
35 | nandoos | ULNA | (colourf)UL NA(ndoos) |
Down | |||
1 | kite | OKTA | K(i)T(e) in OA(k) |
2 | parakeet | PARAPET | PARAKEET with P for KE |
3 | tui | UTILISER | TUI * + LIS + ER |
4 | grebe | SCRIGGLED | (SCALDING GREBE) * − BEAN * |
5 | stilt | TILTER | (s)TILT + ER |
6 | oriole | ODEA | IDEA with O(riole) for I |
7 | crow | COPAIBA | C(r)O(w) P(r)A(t)I(e) + BA(y) |
8 | rail | ARIA | A + RAIL * − L |
9 | kokako | DORK | (K(okako) or (ko)K(ako) or (koka)K(o)) after DOR |
12 | ani | TAENIA | TAE + ANI * |
16 | tit | CEMENTITE | (MENE around TIT) after CE |
18 | owls | SLAG WOOL | (AL(l) + OWLS GO) * |
19 | terns | ASCENT | A + SCEN(e) + T(erns) |
20 | dipper | RAPIDER | (A + DI(p)PER) * + R |
22 | heron | ACHERON | HERON after (A + C) |
24 | skuas | SKEGGS | SK(uas) + EGG + S |
26 | buzzards | BAWN | B(uzzards) A(pparently) W(elcome) N(ear) |
27 | swift | FRIT | (SWIFT − S − W) * around R |
28 | kingfisher | KNUR | K(ingfisher) + RUN < |
29 | raven | EYRA | (pr)EY RA(ven) |