The removals mentioned in the preamble were changes of place, not expulsions. The affected clues needed one word to be moved to enable solving. The answers to the other clues were relocated to a different entry in the grid.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Moved word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | STRAVAIGER | STRANGER with AVAI(l) for AN | |
11 | PECKERS | PECK + ERS | |
12 | Nick’s [entertained] | CRENA | (medio)CRE NA(rration) |
14 | [for] company [promotion] | GIMME HAT | (MIGHT MEA(n)) * |
15 | DRESSY | ESS in DRY | |
16 | [reed] Fixed [at] | SETT | SET + T |
17 | [for] Victoria’s [lively] | RORT | R + ORT |
19 | [with] shortened [name] | RASCAL | RAS + CAL(l) |
21 | wood [Mixed] | APPLE-PIE | APPLE + PIE |
24 | APIARIST | API + ARIST(ocrat) | |
26 | ARGIVE | AR + GIVE | |
27 | [young] bothyman’s [onion] | SYBO | S(mall) Y(oung) B(othyman’s) O(nion) |
29 | ACME | M in ACE | |
31 | [Brazil --] that [is] | BRIBER | B in (BR + IE + R) |
33 | EXCERPTA | (EXCEPT + A) around R | |
34 | BEBOP | BE + BOP | |
35 | [off] pinching [before] | SEA CROW | WORSE * around AC |
36 | [by] Recurrent [flood] | PETTICHAPS | TICH in SPATE < after P(recipitation) |
Down | |||
2 | [at] old [cathedral] | DUOMO | DUO + M + O |
3 | GERANIUM | (MU + IN + A + REG) < | |
4 | KNOT | 2 meanings; homophone of NOT | |
5 | ACADIA | CANADA * with I for N | |
6 | [volley] Matched [adequately] | TEMERITY | (TIRE + MET) < + (rall)Y |
7 | IKON | O’ER + L + IKON = OERLIKON | |
8 | TMESIS | MISSET * | |
9 | [at] a [seminar] | ANATASE | (Businessm)AN AT A SE(minar) |
10 | [racket] game | BATTLEDORE | BATTLED + O’RE (obsolete, not Scottish) |
13 | ADELANTADO | (TO LAND A DEAL) * − L(eeway) | |
18 | TITTUPED | TIED around PUTT < | |
20 | [lifting] poet’s [peninsular] | CAPYBARA | CAP + ARABY < |
22 | AUXERRE | ERR in AXE around U | |
23 | [Garden] parties [oddly] | ADNATE | (G)A(r)D(e)N (p)A(r)T(i)E(s) |
25 | [roads] mostly [are] | TARMAC | T(hese) A(irport) R(oads) M(ostly) A(re) C(oncrete-covered) |
28 | ERATO | RE < + AT + O | |
30 | LEES | LEE’S | |
32 | [distance] move [slowly] | INCH | 3 meanings |