From the clues’ extra words that shared one distinct letter with the answer, the letters spelt out “cruciverbal” (X). The other extra words gave “five letters, two-word phrase in which Zs exist”. Five grid letters were changed to reveal “crossword grid”, in an L shape in unchecked cells. The square of unclued entries contained “declined the option of opening the betting”, a Chambers definition of “checked” (Y), leading to “checked square” (Z), which Chambers defines as “a square in a crossword that belongs to the solution of two clues”.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra word [single shared letter] | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | plu[C]ky | AFFE[C]TATIONS | A + EFFECT − E + ACTIONS − C |
9 | sailo[R] | EGE[R] | EAGER − A |
10 | o(F)f-a(I)r | BEEB | BEEF with B(ackfire) for F |
11 | a(V)oid(E)d | ONION | O’ + NI + ON |
12 | r[U]sh | AIN[U] | IN in AU |
13 | C(L)os(E)d | SINSYNE | (NINE + S + Y(onk)S) * |
14 | s(T)ablema(T)e | TALPA | TAP around L + A |
15 | v(ER)y | SLAPSHOTS | SNAPSHOTS with L for N |
17 | e(S)cor(T)s | STOWAWAYS | (TO + W + AWAY) in SS |
21 | s(W)all(O)w | TELLS | 2 meanings |
22 | [C]lini[C]al | S[C]HTOOM | (SCH + M) around TOO |
24 | s(W)imming-po(O)l | BATH | BAT + H |
26 | ocul[I]st | EX[I]NE | EX + IN + E |
27 | c(R)usa(D)e | LEAN | CLEAN − C |
28 | u(P)rig(H)t | ANON | CANON − C |
29 | [V]i[V]idly | STE[V]ENGRAPHS | ST + EVEN + G + SHARP * |
Down | |||
1 | d[E]ck[E]d | AR[E]OSYSTIL[E]S | (ARE + OS + STILES) around Y |
2 | t(R)adesm(A)n | FEEING | F + IE < in ENG |
3 | i(S)land(E)r | CLUNY | CLUNKY − K |
4 | [R]efo[R]med | TI[R]ANA | TA around IRAN |
5 | D(I)ffide(N)t | ANTI | AVANTI − AV |
6 | s(W)art(H)y | TEENTSY | TENTS around E + Y |
7 | r(IC)h | OTELLO | DONATELLO with O for DONA |
8 | [B]oozy | SU[BB]ASEMENTS | (BASE + MEN + (midnigh)T) in SUB’S |
16 | cz[A]r | L[A]S[A]GNE | LA + (G in SANE) |
18 | gir[L] | O[L]EATE | ((A + T) in LEE) after O |
19 | s(H)malt(Z)y | ACHING | AG around (CHINA − A) |
20 | U(S)herett(E)s | COIN-OP | IN in CO-OP |
23 | e(X)hib(I)t | HEWER | SEWER with H for S |
25 | a(S)sen(T)s | TWIN | 2 meanings |