The corrections to misprints (in half of the clues) spelt out “Schwarzschild radius”, the radius at which an object becomes a black hole. That is, if a certain amount of mass is concentrated within a sphere of that radius, its gravitational pull is too strong for matter or light to escape. The Schwarzschild radius is the distance from the centre of a black hole to its EVENT HORIZON (highlighted in the grid). The correct choices from eight symmetrically placed letter clashes revealed HAWKING RADIATION (in a ring outside the grid’s event horizon), which is predicted to emerge from black holes.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
5 | li(S)t | ARGESTES | (SET + SEA around GR) <; ref. Paradise Lost book 10 |
11 | S(C)ouse’s | LIVER | I’VE in (L + R) |
12 | ALAMORT | ALAMO + R(espect) T(hough) | |
13 | DEPTH | (THE + PD) * | |
14 | (H)aving | AMELIA | A + (I’M + ALE) * |
16 | (W)ish | YEARN | (YR + N(eighbour)) around EA |
17 | TWEENY | (NEW + YET) * | |
18 | DOGTEETH | DO + (GET THE) * | |
20 | OGIVES | OS around GIVE | |
22 | f(A)te | MOIRA | (Paler)MO I RA(ffled) |
24 | (R)uff | WADER | WAR around DE |
26 | CARNAL | ARNA in CL | |
28 | pri(Z)e | NOMINATE | (MIN + A) in (NO + TE(n)) |
30 | TERCIO | TER- + CO around I | |
31 | (S)oyle | RAVIN | RAVINE − (detectiv)E |
33 | OSMUND | O(n) S(trictly) M(ade) U(p) N(ew) D(ance) | |
34 | APNEA | AP + NE + A | |
35 | (C)airn’s | SCOTTIE | S + COT + TIE |
36 | S(H)irt | KURTA | TRUCK < − C + A |
37 | Conv(I)ction | SURENESS | SUR + E + NESS |
Down | |||
1 | (L)ight | PLAY DOWN | (LAND POWYS − S) * |
2 | Arca(D)e | VIDEO GAMES | (MADE + OGIVES) *; ref. 20ac |
3 | UVEA | (n)AEVU(s) < | |
4 | (R)ouse | REPROVE | PROVE after ER < |
6 | RAYNE | ((o)N(e) + YEAR) * | |
7 | GLOTTIC | GLC around (OTT + I) | |
8 | SMEEK | SEEK around M(arijuana) | |
9 | TOLEDO | TO-DO around LE | |
10 | T(A)rry | STAY | (ju)ST A Y(ob) |
15 | commen(D) | INGRATIATE | (EATING + RAIT(a)) * |
19 | l(I)st | CALENDAR | (DAN + CLARE) * |
21 | Sno(U)t | STOOLIE | TOOL in SIE(nna) |
23 | ORGANUM | (U(nion) M(istrustful)) after ORGAN | |
25 | TERMOR | (MORE TRAPS − (A + PS)) * | |
27 | ACUTE | CUT in (A + E) | |
29 | MZEES | SEEM < around Z | |
30 | te(S)t | TOSS | T(hat) O(f) S(oaraway) S(un) |
32 | VERA | RAVE * |