Ring 5 contained Schafe können sicher weiden, the original German title of the aria Sheep May Safely Graze by BACH (appearing in the centre circle). The cordon of shepherds in Ring 1 are from As You Like It (Corin, Silvius), The Seven Books of the Diana, a pastoral romance by Jorge de Montemayor (Delio), Far from the Madding Crowd (Gabriel Oak), Genesis 4:2 (Abel), Nod, a poem by Walter de la Mare (Old Nod), and The Winter’s Tale (Dorcas, Mopsa). The following alternatives were also accepted: Delis, a shepherd said to be the father of Osman, founder of the Ottoman Empire; Mousa, an Arabic form of Moses, who spent some time as a shepherd (Exodus 3:1).
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer | Explanation |
2 | OSMOSE | OS + MOSEL − L(ikely) |
3 | ECHOER | E + CH + O + E(mperor) + R |
4 | CHANCE | N in CHACE |
5 | ALMAHS | ALMA + HS |
6 | SHAMUS | SUS around HAM |
7 | DORSAL | L after (DORAS with last letters switched) |
8 | SALUTE | UT in (S + ALE) |
9 | LET-OFF | 2 meanings |
10 | INFEFT | INF + E + FT |
11 | MOLEST | MOTELS * |
12 | GROMET | ME in GROT |
13 | ANKLES | NK in ALES |
14 | BAULKS | BALKANS around U − AN(y) |
15 | DROOKS | D + ROOKS |
16 | IROKOS | ROK in IOS |
17 | ANGLER | (m)ANGLE + R |
18 | LALANG | ALL * + ANG |
19 | GOONEY | GOON + FEY − F |
20 | AGNOSIA | A + SONG < + I + A |
21 | SKIERS | KISSER * |
22 | CHORES | C + HORS around (fl)E(et) |
23 | SALOON | LOO in SAN |
24 | RAYONS | RAY + O + N + S |
25 | CASSINI | CASSINO with I for O |
26 | SANSAS | SALSAS with N for L |
27 | ADONIA | ADONAI with I(con) moved toward the front |
28 | ANUBIS | A + NU + BIS |
29 | ESTOCS | ES + TO + CS |
30 | SCHOOL | SHOOL around C |
31 | SHADES | (darknes)S + HADES |
32 | OAFISH | O/A + FISH |
34 | VISNES | (SENSITIV(e) − IT) < |
35 | ICKERS | SICKER with first letter moved to the end |
36 | RESUME | 2 meanings |
37 | SWEEPS | S + WEE + PS |
38 | ROWMES | MOWERS * |
39 | OJIMES | SEMI-JO < |
40 | PENSUM | PEN + SUM |
41 | SILOES | (I(nsurgents) + O + LESS) * |
42 | ABOLISH | SH after (A + BOIL *) |
43 | DROWSE | SWORD < + E |
44 | LOORDS | LOO + RD + S |
45 | GEALED | GE + ALED |
46 | FLANGE | FLAN + G + E |
47 | OARING | OA(Ps) + RING |
48 | ADDING | (m)ADDENING − EN |