Some clues needed one or two occurrences of D to be inserted before solving. Their answers were entered in the grid with the same number of Ds omitted, always leaving a real word. The unclued entries contained a line from Will Waterproof’s Lyrical Monologue, by Tennyson:
I grow in worth and wit and sense,
Unboding critic-pen,
Or that eternal want of pence
Which vexes public men,
Who hold their hands to all, and cry
For that which all deny them, —
Who sweep the crossings, wet or dry,
And all the world go by them.
There were no occurrences of D in the puzzle’s title, preamble or clues. The setter’s pseudonym is an alias for Paddock, interpreted as P + OCK.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Missing letters | Answer (omitted letters) | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | she(D) | MI(D)ST | DS in (EMIT − E) |
4 | (D)wells | ABI(D)ES | B in AIDES |
8 | mi(DD)le | RI(DD)LE | RIDE around (D + (Kob)L(enz)) |
11 | AUTUMN | (MAN U) * around (NUT − (unbeate)N) | |
12 | TOERAG | TOE + RAG | |
14 | TRENCHER | TREE − E + N + CHER | |
15 | car(D) | CUR(D)LING | (L after (car)D) in CURING |
17 | (D)one | TIRE(D) | IR in TED |
20 | MANTILLA | T(umble) in MANILLA | |
21 | RITUAL | URINAL * with T for N | |
23 | pow(D)er | (D)EMOTES | (TOM in SEED) < |
25 | EVACUANT | EVA + U in CANT | |
27 | Go(D) | (D)ROIL | LORD < around I |
29 | TINNIES | N(ausea) in TINIES | |
30 | GREENERY | GREENE + RY(e) | |
34 | GUSSET | GUS + SET | |
35 | PLANTA | P + LANT + A | |
36 | Ran(D) | (D)ESSE | DRESS − R + E |
37 | (D)anglers | RELIE(D) | (RE + D(anglers)) around LIE |
38 | a(DD)les | LA(DD)ER | REAL * around (o)DD; extra = outside |
Down | |||
1 | we(D) | MATE(D) | MAD around T(urtl)E |
2 | STARRY | STAR(t) + RY; ref. Van Gogh painting The Starry Night | |
3 | TUTU | TUT + U | |
4 | AMERICA | (A + A) around CRIME * | |
5 | bo(D)y | (D)ICER | BODICE − BO + (teache)R |
6 | ÉTRENNE | (GET + RENNET) − GT on the outside | |
7 | SONNY | SO + N(ervous) in NY | |
8 | style(D) | RE(D)ACTION | (IN COAT) * after RED |
9 | LASER LEVEL | LEAVERS * in ((meta)L(work) (parc)EL(ling)) | |
10 | (D)river | E(D)GER | DREDGER − DR |
13 | NUCIVOROUS | NOUS around (CU < + IV + OR) | |
15 | (D)itches | CAR(D)ER | DISCARDER − DIS |
16 | GAUNT | (U(ncomfortable) + TANGA − A) * | |
18 | EASES | PLEASES − PL | |
19 | NUCLEASE | NE around (CLUE * + AS) | |
22 | LAYETTE | YET in LATE | |
24 | MANIPLE | MALE around PIN < | |
26 | SIENNA | (ANNE + IS) < | |
28 | (D)ate | (D)INNER | ER after (D + INN) |
30 | goo(D) | GA(D)GE | GAD + G + E(lizabeth) |
31 | (D)rogue | (D)ROLL | (chance)LLOR D(rogue) < |
32 | boar(D) | ME(D)AL | M + LADE < |
33 | Love(D) | (D)REAR | DEAR around R |