The letters deleted from clues spelt out “I am a little world made cunningly of elements”, from the fifth of John Donne’s Holy Sonnets. Answers were entered with all letters apart from the one-letter symbols for chemical elements omitted. The central column was DONNE HOLY SONNET FIVE similarly treated, the omitted letters spelling DELETE.
The poem was the fifth in a set of 19 of Donne’s sonnets collected by his friend Rowland Woodward around 1620. It also appeared as the seventh in a subset of 12 of the sonnets published posthumously as Songs and Sonnets in 1633. A later collection of a different 12 of the Holy Sonnets, Divine Meditations (1635), didn’t include this one.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra letter | Answer (deleted letters) | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | no(I)sy | SHOO(T)IN(G) | ((n)OS(y) (s)HO(w)) * + IN |
6 | sen(A)te | CONS(E)N(TA)N(E)OUS | CONS + (ON + U + SENTE) * around A |
7 | ca(M)pers | FOSS(ED) | (F(ield)S + SO) * |
8 | rot(A) | NONS(E)NS(E) | (N + ONE around S) around SEN |
11 | ta(L)king | HI(G)H-(M)UCK-(A-M)UCK | (HIGH + MUCK + MUCK) around A |
13 | pa(I)d | HIPPO(DAME) | (POE PAD HIM) * |
15 | (T)hat | (Z)ONO(TR)ICHI(A) | (N + ZOO HAT + (t)RIC(k)) * around I |
17 | S(T)ick | OBS(T)IN(A)CY | (BY ACTION + S(how)) * |
19 | continua(L) | (E)NUNCI(AT)O(R) | ER around CONTINUA * |
21 | E(E)rie | CISCO(E)S | (SOC + SIC) < |
25 | o(W)n | O(Z)ONOSPH(ERE) | (OZ + OSP + HERE) around ON |
27 | disc(O) | COUN(TER)CH(A)N(GE) | COUNTER + CE around (H(its) + ANG) |
28 | b(R)other | S(T)USHI(E) | SUS + HI |
30 | b(L)agged | SUB(MA)CHIN(E-G)UN | SUB-MACH 1 + EG in NUN |
32 | (D)on | SPOON-F(EED) | P in (SO ON) + FEED |
33 | (M)oral | (M)Y(L)ONI(TE) | ONLY * in homophone of MIGHT |
34 | I(A)n’s | SCIN(T)ISC(A)NN(ER) | (IN’S CANCER ISN’T) * |
35 | (D)rive | (RE)VIVIFY | (RIVE IF + V(er)Y) * |
Down | |||
1 | c(E)asing | S(T)O(RMLE)SS | SOS around S(urvive) |
2 | (C)ringing | (GE)OSCI(E)NC(E) | GEE around CONCISE * |
3 | Sho(U)t | IN(EL)O(Q)U(E)NC(E) | LINE * + O’ + QU + HENCE − H |
4 | twin(N)ing | NON-CO(MMER)CI(AL) | NON MERCI around COM + AL(l) |
5 | me(N) | BUSKIN(G) | (B + KIN) around US |
6 | ven(I)al | CO(RR)UP(T) | CUP around O |
7 | o(N)e | FI(L)IBUS(TER)OUS | (BURST OE) * in FILIUS |
9 | rin(G) | SCHI(Z)OPH(RE)NI(A) | (CHI + ZO) in (RIN SHAPE) * |
10 | b(L)inding | PHON(EM)ICS | CHOPIN’S * around ME < |
12 | Man(Y) | KIN(G)SHIP | SHIP after KIN |
14 | (O)pinions | (DE)PIC(TED) | PC around I |
16 | (F)ace | C(ERAM)ICS | (CRIMSON ACE − ON) * |
18 | l(E)ast | SN(A)FU | (AS FUN(d)) * |
20 | Nada(L) | INCHO(AT)IV(E) | (ACE HIT IN + V(ictory)) * around O |
22 | Us(E) | SOU(LED) | (US DOLE) * |
23 | rear(M)ing | (T)U(R)NCOCK | C in (RUT < + NOCK) |
24 | hid(E) | WHINNI(ED) | (WE HID) * around INN |
26 | we(N)t | (M)OFUSSI(L) | MOIL around FUSS |
29 | stun(T) | SUN(TA)N | STUN * + AN |
31 | (S)ale | B(EER M)ON(E)Y | MONEY after BEER |