Corrections to clue misprints spelt “draw five shapes through names and blanks”. A Parallelogram, a Quadrilateral, a Rectangle, a Square and a Trapezium, for which the puzzle’s title gave the initials, were formed by lines drawn through the letters of their names and the blank cells for clashes. Letters misprinted in the grid were: 29 st(R)iata, 38 Lea(H), 26 r(O)ar, 41ac crea(M), 4 o(B)is, 2 us(U)als, 15ac (S)eame, forming RHOMBUS. In addition to the separate rhombus shown in blue here, either of two rhombi (shown in green) enclosing the rectangle was also accepted.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer | Explanation [misprint] |
Across | |||
1 | come(D)y | BUFFO | BUFO with extra F |
6 | leve(R) | FULCRUM | FUL(l) + CRU + M(otor) |
12 | se(A) | SEA SALT | ATLASES * |
15 | SEAME | [M]EME around A | |
16 | s(W)inger | MANDIRA | MAN + ARID < |
17 | i(F) | ALL-BE | ABE around LL |
18 | th(I)ng’s | BASIS | BA + SIS |
19 | Qua(V)er | TRILL | THRILL − H |
20 | CLAES | CLARES − R | |
22 | r(E)d | HENNAING | (HANG NINE) * |
24 | ARTERY | ARTERY with E moved to west = (EAR + TRY) | |
26 | ROAR | RA[D]AR − A | |
27 | UTASES | (AS + E) in UTS | |
30 | spice(S) | MASALA | (ha)M AS A LA(sagne) |
31 | S(H)are | ARET | A(i)R (v)E(n)T |
32 | p(A)st | AGUIZE | homophone of (A + GUYS’) |
35 | (P)iled | DEAD-CART | (DATED CAR) * |
37 | NILLS | PENNILL’S − PEN | |
40 | Tr(E)e | LIANA | LI + ANA |
41 | CREAM | [A]RECA * | |
42 | (S)on | ILIAN | (NAIL + I) < |
43 | me(T)al | DIE-CAST | DIE + CAST |
44 | (H)azy | MISTS | T in MISS |
45 | LEGROOM | (MOOR + GEL) < | |
46 | ca(R)s | ESTATES | (ES + ES) around TAT |
47 | f(O)rm | ENIAC | (CAN around I + E) < |
Down | |||
2 | USUALS | ALS after USA | |
3 | d(U)ll | FADIER | FAR(m) around DIE |
4 | OBIS | -O[S]IS | |
5 | Peru(G)ian | MARCHESA | MARCH + ES + A |
7 | (H)eading | U-TURN | (RUT in NU) < |
8 | wi(N)e | CELLARS | CARS around ELL |
9 | (A)vine | RALLIDAE | (I READ ALL) * |
10 | (M)iddle | UMBONAL | (ON ALBUM) * |
11 | Se(E) | MEET | homophone of METE |
13 | C(S)E’s | ENSA | (th)E + NSA |
14 | cr(A)b’s | LATERIGRADE | LATER + I + GRADE |
15 | ru(N)ning | MAINTAIN | MAIN + TAIN(t) |
21 | (D)og | STEW-CANS | WET < in SCANS |
25 | SMUTTIER | TUMS < + TIER | |
28 | (B)ars | TRELLIS | TILLERS * |
29 | STRIATA | ST[D] + IATA | |
33 | Pa(L)e | ZIRCON | AIRCON with Z for A |
34 | p(A)rt | PLASMA | PL(e)AS(e) MA(x) |
36 | cor(N)er | ANGLE | 2 meanings |
38 | LEAH | LE[O] around A | |
39 | Chin(K)’s | RIME | 2 meanings |
41 | (S)ealed | CERE | homophone of SEAR |