The extra letters from wordplay, separated into groups by the extra-word clues, were jumbled colours. Each colour was associated with one clue answer to form a bird name (Across: 7 tanager, 14 greenshank, 16 yellowhammer, 39 rubythroat; Down: 5 sandpiper, 22 butterbump, 28 redstart, 35 blue tit), the answer being entered in the grid in the appropriate colour. The letters from extra words formed “red-necked phalarope”. Reasonable approximations of the colours were accepted, as were coloured letters or shaded cells, and NECKED PHALAROPE as well as NECKED PHALAROPE.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra word | Answer | Explanation [extra letter] |
Across | |||
1 | propaganda | MASH-UPS | PUSH * after MAS |
7 | AGER | [L]AGER | |
10 | ALKALI | AL[L] + KALI | |
11 | PAPAYA | PA[Y] + PAY + A | |
12 | SCRY | SORC[E]RY − OR | |
13 | EPISOMES | (SOME P[O]ISE) * | |
14 | SHANK | S + HA[W]K around N | |
16 | compatible | HAMMER | HAM + MER(ino) |
19 | ARALIAS | [B]AR + ALIAS | |
20 | CRANIA | [U]RANIC * + À | |
23 | XEMA | ([L]AM + EX) < | |
25 | RAPS | SP[E]AR < | |
26 | Hollywood | OUIJAS | (EMOJI USA − EM) * |
27 | ASTEISM | (SAME [A]S IT) * | |
32 | DITALS | (A STIL[T]ED) * − E | |
33 | PRUDE | [N]UDE after PR | |
34 | attack | STANIELS | (AS LINNETS − N) * |
37 | BRER | B[A]RER | |
38 | SIRCAR | SIR[S] + CAR(e) | |
39 | THROAT | THAT around RO[D] | |
40 | ETTY | E[N]TITY − I | |
41 | omnivore | MYELONS | Y in MELONS |
Down | |||
1 | no-one | MASSACRED | MASS + CARED * |
2 | ALCHERA | HERA after [T]ALC | |
3 | SKRAN | [B]ANKS * around R(ationing) | |
4 | ULE | [R]ULE | |
5 | PIPER | P[U]P around I + E(at) R(acing) | |
6 | BASAL | BASAL[T] | |
7 | APOMIXIS | A + [E]PO + MIX + IS | |
8 | Ponder | GAMMA | (AM + MAG) < |
9 | EYE | E[E]YORE − OR | |
15 | KAIL | A in KIL[N] | |
16 | HALO | HA(d) + LO[G] | |
17 | REASSERTS | RE + ASSETS around R[R] | |
18 | INSTANCY | IN + STANC[E] + (traged)Y | |
21 | lashed | AXIS | A + SIX < |
22 | BUMP | BUM + [E]P | |
24 | MAZDEAN | MAZE around D(eity) + AN[D] | |
28 | START | STAR + [R]T | |
29 | renaissance | ELIAN | (C)ELIA (or (D)ELIA) + ’N’ |
30 | SALTY | T[R]Y after SAL | |
31 | BUROO | BUR[Y] + O(sl)O | |
35 | TIT | [B]IT after T(hailand) | |
36 | SHE | H(omework) in [U]SE |