The extra letters from down clue jumbles spelt out “They went to sea in a sieve”, the start of the poem The Jumblies, by Edward Lear. One answer in each row was anagrammed with an extra I, cryptically reflecting JUMBLIES as I in JUMBLES. The line drawn through THE CHANKLY BORE was to suggest the hills of that name in the poem. At 8dn, LERNA was changed to SIEVE, forming new words reading across.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Jumble | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
6 | CERULE | CEE around (LUTHER − THE) < | |
10 | ERF | ERG with F for G | |
11 | SERAPES | (SEPARATES − AT) < | |
13 | ERECT | ELECT with R for L | |
14 | ACKERS | (b)ACKERS | |
15 | GEST | DIGEST − DI | |
16 | APSE | (S(enate) A(nnounced) E(aster) P(arliamentary)) * | |
19 | SASH | (HAS + S) * | |
20 | PARER | (s)PARER | |
21 | ADDENDA | (A + DA) around (D + DEN) | |
25 | CARNAL | CANAL around R(isqué) | |
27 | THROVE | (wealt)H in TROVE | |
29 | KESH | (SIKH’S + (cr)E(ed)) * = KESH + IS | |
34 | PENK | PENKNIFE − FINE * | |
35 | ABED | AD around BE | |
36 | ANTRA | ANTRA in MP = MANTRAP | |
37 | ZONULA | ((ON + L) in ZA) around U | |
38 | EPHORS | (p)ROPHES(y) * | |
39 | FÊTE | FEE around T’ | |
40 | TRETS | TRES around T(ax) | |
41 | ESSAYED | SAY in (E + SED) | |
Down | |||
1 | Ma(T)hesis → Messiah | ORATORIO | ORATIO(n) around (w)OR(k) |
2 | wreat(H)s → waters | NERITES | (SET IN around (a)RE(a)) < |
3 | r(E)ign → ring | SIEGE | (EDGE − D) after IS < |
4 | Cron(Y)’s → Corn’s | GRIST | GRIT around S(trong) |
5 | (W)olvers → Lovers | HETAIRAI | (AIR + A) in THEI(r) * |
6 | Po(E)ts → Stop | CEASE | E in CASE (ie, “packed”) |
7 | Ca(N)ting → Acting | RAKEHELLY | K, HE (separately) in REALLY * |
8 | tormen(T)s → monster | LERNA | LEARN with middle letter moved down |
9 | Ti(T)ans → Saint | ESSES | (endl)ESS ES(capade) |
12 | Ag(O)nise → Easing | PEEING | PEE(v)ING |
17 | reprint(S) → printer | PLANTIN | PLAIN around NT |
18 | se(E)dily → yields | SACRIFIES | SCARIFIES with C moved down |
22 | c(A)noe → once | DITOKOUS | (D + I’ + US) around TOKO |
23 | orda(I)ned → adorned | ANTLERED | (DANCER LET) * − C |
24 | Ri(N)sed → dries | REESTS | (S(al)T + SEER) < |
26 | Areth(A)’s → heart’s | CORDATE | CORONATE with D for ON |
29 | frie(S) → fire | START | TRATS < |
30 | rece(I)pts → respect | HONOR | (Nixo)N in HOOR |
31 | brid(E) → bird | AERIE | 2 meanings |
32 | (V)alises → Aisles | LANES | L + ANES |
33 | tr(E)aty → ratty | RILEY | RIDLEY − D |