Clashes were resolved and bars adjusted to show the thematic names as follows: FRANCOIS from FRANC(K)|ISSEI, RABELAIS from R|A|BELAI(R), GARGANTUA from VINEGAR|(M)ANTUA, PANTAGRUEL from PA(S)TA|GRUEL, PANURGE from I(R)AN|URGE. Initial letter pairs from the extra words in across clues spelt “Fay ce que vouldras” (from Gargantua). Those from down clues gave Alcofribas Nasier, the anagrammatic pseudonym under which François Rabelais wrote the Gargantua and Pantagruel pentalogy. The diagonal from SW to NE contained his invented word “metagrabolise” (to puzzle out), which is an anagram of Rabelais and the puzzle’s title (which isn’t the case for the “metagrobolise” spelling).
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | fabulous | BEADLEDOM | MODEL < after BEAD |
7 | CLUE | 2 meanings | |
11 | Y-chromosome | SURAMIN | SUR + A + MIN |
13 | EFFACES | EF + FACES | |
15 | STRINE | STRIPE with N(egative) for P | |
17 | equerry | BEL AIR | E in BLAIR |
19 | CARPACCIO | CARP + ACC + (on)IO(ns) | |
21 | UEFA | SICE | SIC + (Rom)E |
22 | INK IN | IN KIN(d) | |
23 | volume | HEBRIDES | (Mo)R(se) in (HE + BIDES) |
25 | ACNE | homophone of ’ACKNEY | |
27 | Ulster | PAHS | homophone of PA’S |
30 | FOULARDS | FOUDS around LAR(ge) | |
31 | TAROT | TROT around A | |
32 | VINEGAR | VINE + GAR | |
36 | MANTUA | MANA around TU | |
37 | dried | ESCAROLE | CASSEROLE * − S |
41 | ASTRUT | A + ST + RUT | |
43 | AGREED | A + GREED | |
45 | TANAGER | (GREAT AN(d)) * | |
46 | ashamed | MIRY | MIR + Y |
47 | LORGNETTE | (LONG + (l)ETTER(s)) * | |
Down | |||
1 | BRESCIA | (CRABS + IE) * | |
2 | AUFS | (e)A(t) U(p) F(i)S(h) | |
3 | DRAPPIE | (PAID PER) * | |
4 | Alfred’s | LAC | LACHES − HE’S |
5 | DISA | ISA after D(esert) | |
6 | METEORITAL | METAL around (ORE IT) * | |
7 | CARLS | CARS around L | |
8 | LEI | ALGERIA − AGRA (letters in odd positions) | |
9 | cover | USNIC | U(p) S(cientific) N(ame) I(n) C(hemistry) |
10 | EMESES | MSS with E before each letter | |
12 | frightened | MERC | 2 meanings |
14 | Ibert | FRANCK | (F + RACK) around N |
16 | PASTA | A(sparagus) after PAST | |
18 | AIDA | AID + A | |
20 | Asian | IBIS | IRIS with B(lue) for R |
23 | HORA | (summe)R in HOA | |
24 | IRAN | I + RAN | |
26 | NUNC | C after NUN | |
28 | HOUSE | 2 meanings | |
29 | STANDEE | ST + AND + EE | |
32 | nasty | VEAL | (ha)VE A L(ividity) |
33 | ISSEI | IS + SEI | |
34 | EARLY | EARL + Y | |
35 | GRUEL | GRUEL with C for G = CRUEL | |
36 | GEAN | GEN around A | |
38 | siegecraft | LEAR | 2 meanings |
39 | URGE | GRUEL * − (lustfu)L | |
40 | erupting | MEET | TEEM < |
42 | TAR | TARDIS − DIS | |
44 | GAN | NAG < |