The song in the unclued entries was The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel (S&G). One choice of first or last letters from extra words spelt out “John Cage’s Four Minutes, Thirty-three Seconds”, referring to the piece 4'33" in which no sound is played, the “music” consisting of the ambient noise at the performance. The other choice gave “erase everything but the notes in Cage’s piece”, thus requiring a blank grid to be submitted. The puzzle’s title and the many references to Gilbert & Sullivan works in the clues were red herrings.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
Extra word | Answer | Explanation |
Urdu | ACE | AC(t) + E |
Varying | ALLEGRO | LEG in (A + L(ively) R(uddigore) O(verture)) |
needless | ANNUAL | ANNUL around A |
tremolo | BASS | 2 meanings |
case | BELIEVE | BELIE + V + E(dwin) |
Intriguing | BOVRIL | BOL(ero) around VRI |
theatre | DENVER | NV in DEER |
Baratarian | EVENT | EVE + NT |
Stanley | FIACRES | (AS FREDERIC − RED) * |
extinguishes | GEORGE | E in GORGE |
elegant | HAEMANTHUS | A(rchibald) in HE-MAN + THUS |
Hilarion | HAG-WEED | H + AGE around W + ED |
twenty-eight | INVADE | (INEZ around VAD) − (Lui)Z |
public | KELVIN | LEK < + VIN |
tenor | NINE | I in NNE |
haiku | OBVERSE | (Mikad)O + B + VERSE |
intermezzo | OCULAR | (j)OCULAR |
andante | OPULENT | OP + U + LENT |
timpani | PALLOR | P(o)OR around ALL |
chamber | PIBROCH | P(irates) + I(olanthe) + BROCH |
refuses | PORTER | 2 meanings |
hidden | RAIL | TRAIL − T(hespis) |
Dynamic | RENDS | RE + N + DS |
our | RIA | AIR < |
Approach | RIGEL | G(ondoliers) in (RI + EL) |
Men | ROSELLA | LA after ROLES * |
noble | SELF | S + ELF |
intro | SETTER | 2 meanings |
entertains | SIAM | S + IAM(bus) |
appearance | SKEIN | SKIN around (Patienc)E |
Elsie | SPEW | PEWS with the last letter moved to the start |
Hears | STRESS | (d)RESS after ST |
enjoying | TABLEAU | TAU around ABLE |
joke | TRAGIC | RAG in (T + I/C) |
terrible | TRICK | (Sorcere)R in TICK |
investor | UMBRE | R in (U(topia) + MBE) |
funny | WIDGET | WIT around ((G + D) < + E) |
Sangazure | WOMBAT | W + COMBAT − C |