The extra letters from clues spelt “Non Angli sed Angeli; Gregory I”, referring to the former pope’s description of some English slaves in Rome, “Not Angles but Angels”. The answers for 7dn and 30dn clashed with every crossing answer, with letter choices that allowed either a word for a British person or an angel: 7dn BRITON or CHERUB, 30dn POMMIE or AZRAEL; in line with the quotation, the angels were used (the alternative spelling AZRAIL was ruled out because the only crossing answer it changed was 44ac, leading to a total of only three changed entries, or five counting 7dn and 30dn, not an even number as specified in the preamble). Finally, the unclued ROOINEK and LIMEY were replaced by RAPHAEL and ARIEL to form new crossing words (including “agria” = “a significant eruption of pustules” from Collins English Dictionary). The title refers to the difference between the spellings of “Angeli” and “Angli”.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra letter | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | pa(N)ts | MISHAPT | (PATS + HIM) * |
7 | BOYISH | (BISHOP − OP) around (O + (drudger)Y) | |
12 | FAR | RAF < | |
13 | s(O)on | TESLA | TA around EL around S |
14 | Mi(N)xes | STAIRS | STIRS around A |
15 | ENSOUL | EN + U in SOL | |
16 | (A)verse | ARY | VARY − V |
17 | TIBER | RE-BIT < | |
20 | UNEDGE | (heartach)E after (NUDE * + G) | |
21 | see(N) | PUNCTA | AT < after (PUN + C) |
23 | BÊTE | BET + E(gg) | |
24 | (G)love | HITS ON | (IT + S) in HON |
25 | (L)edgers | ATTORN | A(countan)T + TORN |
29 | LAMA | LLAMA − L | |
31 | ol(I)d | ON HOLD | ON + HOLD |
32 | QUARTZ | QUIZ with ART for I | |
33 | SEA BELT | SET around ABEL | |
37 | RETRO | RET + RO | |
39 | AIM | (A + M) around I | |
40 | ANTHEA | AN + THE + A | |
41 | DEAR ME | ARM in DEE | |
42 | dart(S) | SCOOT | SCOT around O’ |
43 | IAN | I + AN | |
44 | HYPHAE | homophone of HIGH FEE | |
45 | MISSAYS | MISS + AYS | |
Down | |||
1 | ar(E) | MESARCH | (ho)MES AR CH(eap) |
2 | INTRO | IN + T(he) R(ange) O(rchestrated) | |
3 | STAY OUT | YOU in STAT | |
4 | HAITI | AIT in HI | |
5 | AGRIN | R in (A + GIN) | |
6 | (D)angle | TAKE | 3 meanings |
7 | CHITON | ON after CHIT | |
8 | b(A)y | YEST | S(hip) in YET |
9 | A(N)y | ISOLDE | (I + OLD + E) around S |
10 | (G)ear | SLUGGARD | DRAGS < around LUG |
11 | res(E)ts | HALTER | 2 meanings |
18 | chuck(L)ed | UNETH | UNETHICAL − (I + CAL) |
19 | KAGOS | SOAK < around G(rumble) | |
21 | wa(I)ter | PIQUANCY | (a)QUA in PIN + CY |
22 | COMTÉ | OM in (CUTE − U) | |
26 | (G)one | OLEARIA | O LEAR + I + A |
27 | ge(R)ms | NUTMEGS | NUT + GEMS * |
28 | h(E)ard | SQUASH | (SQUAWKS + H) − WK |
29 | (G)round | LAPTOP | LAP + POT < |
30 | POMMEL | (ME around M) in POL(ice) | |
34 | Go(O)d | AREAS | ARES around A |
35 | Ca(R)ts | BOAKS | B(earing) + OAKS |
36 | word(Y) | PHOH | HO in PH |
38 | fin(I)als | EXAM | (E + AM) around X |