Extra letters from the clues’ wordplay gave the inessential items italicised in the following quotation from Lucile by Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, followed by “shade author’s job”:
We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books; But civilised man cannot live without cooks
The grid clashes were resolved to form the poem’s title and author, and “cooks”, the one thing the poem says is essential, not the inessential “books”. The puzzle’s title cryptically suggested “heart”, the remaining inessential item. Lytton was Viceroy of India from 1876 to 1880.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer | Explanation [extra letter] |
Across | ||
1 | LATENCY | [P]LAY around (TEN C) |
6 | LUPINE | L[O]U(t) + PINE |
10 | YURT | Y[E]T around UR |
13 | RAMCAT | T[R]AMCAR * |
14 | GRANS | NS in GRA[Y] |
15 | TONG | T’ + [M]ONG |
16 | LOWAN | LO[U](d) + WAN |
19 | GEROPIGA | PRO[S]E * in GIG + A |
21 | NARROW | [I]N + A + RR + OW |
22 | BOOKS | B + [C]OOKS |
25 | OLD GIRL | O + L[A]D + RIG < + L |
27 | NAEVI | NAME − M + VI[R] |
29 | ROYALS | [T]ROY + ALS(o) |
31 | AIREDALE | A1 + RED + ALE[C] |
35 | YEARN | [O]E in YARN |
37 | DIEB | (I[N] BED) * |
38 | IRONY | IRON + [S](ark)Y |
39 | LARVAE | (V(irus) A(ttack)) in [C]LARE |
40 | ACARIAN | ARIA in [I]NCA < |
41 | BRAE | BRA in E[E] |
42 | LAVEER | VEER in LA[N](e) |
43 | KITHARA | KITS[C]H − S + A + RA |
Down | ||
1 | PYTHON | H in TON in PY[E] |
2 | AURORAL | (d)AAL around [F]UROR |
3 | TRANT | RANT in T[R] |
4 | NUCLEOLI | (CLONE + (c)IL[I]U(m)) * |
5 | CIAO | (O’ + A + IC[E]) < |
6 | LAZARS | LA[N]ZA + RS |
7 | CART | RT in CA[D] |
8 | LINE | LIN[S]EY − Y |
9 | ECSTASY | APOSTASY with [S]EC for (A + PO) |
12 | TALION | LOT[H]IAN * |
17 | WEIGELA | (E[A] + LA) after (WEIGHT − HT) |
18 | DROVE | D + ROVE[D] |
20 | POLYP | POLY + [E]P |
22 | CROWN ROT | OWN in C[A]RROT |
23 | ANAXIAL | ANAL around (A + [U]X + I) |
24 | JERBOA | JER(k) + BOA[T] |
26 | GLUE EAR | (L(oud) + [H]UE) in GEAR |
28 | CAESAR | (A C[O]ARSE) * |
30 | SUBSEA | SUBS + EA[R] |
32 | TIARA | IT < + A + RA[S] |
33 | ORCA | MA[J]ORCA − MA |
34 | IN RE | IGN[O]RE − (muckin)G |
36 | RAKI | [B]R + À + KI(t) |