Extra letters from the wordplay in all but the “rogue” clues spelt out “seek letter mixture; gravity defied”. Each rogue clue contained a jumble of a type of apple, to be entered upwards in the grid (contrary to the story of Sir Isaac Newton witnessing a falling apple).
For 4dn, though there is a cultivar of Cox’s orange pippin called SUNSET (in neither Chambers nor the OED), its letters appear in the clue in the correct order, not in a mixture as the instruction stipulates. For 8dn, though CRISPIN is in Chambers, the apple meaning isn’t; it can be found in the OED as an alias for the Mutsu apple.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer (red herring) | Explanation [extra letter] |
Across | ||
1 | PEDANT | ANT after [S]PED |
5 | CRATON | CRAT[E] + ON |
9 | À MERVEILLE | (A + R[E]VEILLE) around ME |
12 | ESCALLOP | CA[K]ES * + POLL < |
13 | PRAHU | P[L] around RAHU |
14 | ABBESS | AB[E] + BESS |
15 | LODICULAE | (I COULD) * + LA[T]E |
16 | YRIVD | [T]RY * + IV + D(own) |
17 | GNARR | (HER ANG[E]R − HE) * |
19 | EAGER | E[R]R around AGE |
23 | BOBAC | BO[M]B + A + C |
25 | SAGITTATE | (IT + [I]T) in (SAG + TEA *) |
26 | MILICE | MI[X] + LICE |
27 | ASTIR | (I STAR[T]) * |
29 | ANACONDA | ANA + C + (h)O[U]ND + A |
30 | TENDONITIS | (O[R] + SIT-IN <) after TEND |
31 | BROLGA | BRA around (O + L[E]G) |
32 | CURARE | [G]AR in CURÉ |
Down | ||
1 | PALP | LP after PA[R] |
2 | IDARED (DANGER) | DREADI(ing) *; DREA[D]ING * − I |
3 | ARCHIVE | CHI in (A + R[A]VE) |
4 | RUSSET (SISTER) | (mis)TRESS U(nsettled) *; (m)ISTRES[S] * |
5 | CICALA | CIC + A + LA[V] |
6 | ALL-BE | BEL[I]AL * |
7 | TELEGA | TELA around [T]EG |
8 | CRISPIN (BRAMBLE) | (shee)P IN SCRI(pture) *; RAM in B[I]BLE |
10 | NOSTRATIC | (CIT[Y] + ART + SON) < |
18 | RIBSTON (OLINGOS) | (i)N BRISTO(l) *; (Brist)OL [S]ING OS(tentatiously) |
20 | GELATO | (T + ALE) < in [E]GO |
21 | AGENDA | [F]AG END + A |
22 | CODLIN (FLORIN) | (O)LD COIN *; OR in FLIN[T] |
24 | BATATA | BA[I]T + AT + (d)A(y) |
25 | SICEL | EL after SIC[E] |
28 | RUSE | [D]RUSE |