Extra letters in the down clues spelt out “When I was one-and-twenty / I heard a wise man say; A. E. Housman”, from poem XIII in A Shropshire Lad, which continues:
Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies
Going against this advice, HEART was deleted in the middle of the grid, while CROWNS, POUNDS, GUINEA (twice), PEARLS and RUBIES were kept, forming the number XXII, which is the protagonist’s current age in the poem.
The clues contained several references to gambling, cards and the number 21, some of which are mentioned below. The suits spades (33ac), clubs (39ac) and diamonds (41ac) were used, but 16ac had “heartlessly” as a thematic reference.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Removed letters | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | PROLOG | LOG after PRO; Illinois = 21st US state | |
5 | ICEBERG | BE in (I + C + ERGO − O); current century = 21st | |
11 | HONOURS | O in (NO RUSH) * | |
13 | RUE | 2 meanings; Côte d’Or = 21st département | |
14 | EQUID | E + QUID | |
15 | GANOINE | (WINE − W) after (m)ANGO(s) * | |
16 | STALIN | ST(e)AL + I(talia)N | |
18 | SENA | SENATE − T(rade) − E(nterprise) | |
19 | DICT | DIC(e) + (cryp)T | |
21 | E-ZINE | (Waldst)EIN * after EZ; Waldstein = Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 21 | |
22 | ACE | FACE − F | |
24 | V-SHAPE | VS + H + APE | |
26 | NORAH | HORA * after (pontoo)N | |
29 | TROOP | POOR < after T | |
30 | SPRYER | SPICER with RYE for ICE | |
32 | WOO | MOO with first letter upside down | |
33 | CRETE | CREST − S + E | |
35 | YALU | LAY < + U(ruguayan) | |
36 | SWAN | WAS * + N | |
39 | CANTAB | ANTA in (B + C) < | |
41 | AT LARGE | (DEALT * − D) around (A + R + G(ame)) | |
42 | IMINE | SCI − SC + MINE; scandium = 21st element | |
43 | RED | ED after R | |
44 | FEEBLER | FEEDER with (B + L) for D | |
46 | TSUBAS | TUBAS around S | |
Down | |||
1 | (WH)at | PHEASANT | HEAPS * + ANT |
2 | Gold(EN) | ROQUE | OR < + QU + (sacrific)E |
3 | Al(I WA)tered | LOIN | OIL * + (mari)N(ade) |
4 | (SON) | GRATIS | GIS around RAT |
6 | (EA)table | COAL TAR | CO + ALTAR |
7 | bar(N — D)on | ERNIE | BERN − B + IE |
8 | (TW)in | BRONZERS | (BONZER + ’S) around R |
9 | earth(EN) | RUN INTO | RUNE − E + INT + O |
10 | run(TY) | GEEK | GREEK − R |
12 | (I H)old | NUNNERIES | (R + SEINE) * after NUN |
17 | id(EA) | WIDOW WAIL | (LI + A + W) < after (WOW around ID) |
20 | Ma(RD)y | CHAYA | (MAY − M) in CHA |
23 | te(A W)as | EAST CAPE | (CAP + É(clair)) after TEAS * |
25 | parasit(IS)es | SPONGERS | GER(m) in (S + PONS) |
27 | c(EM)ent | OERSTED | (ESCORT ED) * − C |
28 | I(AN’S) | ERYNGOS | SEIGNORY * − I |
31 | M(AY)an | ELANET | (m)AN in (E + LET) |
34 | se(A E)ar | EARLS | L(emon) in SEAR * |
37 | (HO)spice | APNEA | CANAPÉ * − C(hilli) |
38 | (US) | SARI | IS < around AR |
40 | (MAN) | OMBÚ | MB in (O + U) |