In the Gilbert and Sullivan opera The Grand Duke, disputes are settled by a “statutory duel”, consisting of a draw of cards after which the loser is declared legally dead. The words removed from across clues are synonyms of “dead” or “ghost”; their moved letters spell out “Wm S Gilbert” (reversed) and “AS Sullivan” (the two were already engaged in disputes and this was their last collaboration). For each pair of extra and missing words in the down clues, one of the differences represents a playing card (A, J, Q, K or a number spelt out), which when added to the letter at the top of the column produces THE GRAND DUKE at 1ac. Down answers are entered with occurrences of A moved to the bottom, reflecting the discovery that aces are low, not high, that resolves the plot’s complications.
Plotters in the story identify each other by eating a sausage roll; rows of the completed grid contained jumbled types of sausage, which when unjumbled revealed the words STATUTORY DUEL diagonally. The puzzle’s title refers to the story’s setting of Pfennig-Halbpfennig, which translates to penny-halfpenny, monetarily 20% greater than a penny-farthing (bicycle). It also hints at the anniversary of the first performance on 7 March 1896, a century-plus-20% ago.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Modified, missing, [extra] words | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
13 | car(T)ed, [waned] | NIRLED | N + IR + LED |
14 | hea(R)ts, [deceased] | SCHUIT | SUIT around CH |
15 | [very], kin(E) | KYLOE | KY + LO’E (from next clue) |
16 | (B)orders, [utter] | LO’E | L(ots) O(f) E(ach) |
17 | [awfully], gobb(L)ed | ATE | A(lcohol) + TE(st) |
18 | [Wra(I)th], van | ATABAL | (À + BAAL with A moved to the front) around T |
19 | old, [(G)one] | SAYON | SAYON(ara) |
21 | [bu(S)t], good | BELONG | BELO(w) + NG |
22 | [s(M)ack], war | BATTER | BATTLER − L |
24 | [ended], (W)eight | SANS | SWANS − W |
25 | [(A)pathetic], horse | NAGA | NAGANA − NA |
27 | [(S)tiff], A | ASSUME | ((Lover)S after A) + SUM + E |
29 | (S)often, [late] | SMALTO | MALT in SO(ak) |
30 | [Cold], fo(U)nder | ABUNA | À + BUN + ALIGHT − LIGHT |
32 | [jumby], so(L)-fa | SISSOO | (SIS + O) around SO |
37 | Cog, [f(L)at] | NOG | (G + (b)ON(e)) < |
39 | [sp(I)rit], hosted | ICH | (Pun)IC H(ulk) |
40 | [Inert], se(V)en | RERUN | ERR with last letter moved to the front + SUN − S |
41 | dully, [h(A)unt] | SLAVEY | ’VE in SLAY |
42 | [hi(N)t], Med | SOLANO | SOLA + NO |
Down | |||
1 | (bits of) Tier | PANS | PAINTERS − (I, T, E, R) |
2 | baRman (may pull) | FAINT | PINT with FA for the first letter |
3 | [lAgs] | DARKEY | DAR(e) + KEY |
4 | [babAs] | FLYBOAT | (L + BOY) * in FAT |
5 | (with) T-bar | MEAL | (MEAL + T-BAR) * = (A LAMBERT) * |
6 | (must) Quit | J’ADOUBE | (DOUBLE − L) after JA |
7 | (including) adenine | EASE | BASE with E for B |
8 | sKim (temperature) | SCANTLES | SCAN + T + LES(s) |
9 | [subSection] | TAHR or THAR | HAT * + R |
10 | [mAst] | TULBAN | ((AB + L) in NUT) < |
11 | slY (Liberal) | CIAO | SOCIALLY * − (SLY + L) * |
12 | (with) Ess | DATELESS | DATEL + ESS |
19 | [Fourier] | SYNAPSIS | (ANALYSIS with (P + S) for AL(l)) * |
20 | [five-bar] | ANTELOPE | (g)ATE around N + LOPE |
23 | [AdeN] | RASORES | RAS + OR + E(at)S |
24 | (double) subJection | SUBDUAL | BUS < + DUAL |
26 | (for) lEgs | GAMASH | GAMS around A + H |
28 | mUst (not) | MAUNNA | U in MANNA |
31 | [sleight] | NO-MAN | ’N’ + O’ + MAN |
33 | [batwoman] | -ICAL | I + CAL |
34 | (rival) babEs | SLAV | (RIVAL BABES) * − BARBIE * |
35 | [Suit] | OARY | O’ + A + RY |
36 | [sLim] | ACRO- | (extr)A CRO(issant) |
38 | [Ass] | GAJO | (A JOG) * |