Extra letters in the wordplay of across clues spelt birds: gnatcatcher, goslet, sea cob. Incorrect letters in down clues spelt types of bee: mining (bee), drumbledor, worker. In the grid, overlapping pairs of birds formed the shape of BEE: nutcracker/arctic tern, araponga/caracara, lanneret/teru-tero.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Replacement | Answer | Explanation [extra letter] |
Across | |||
1 | MASTIC | MAC around (S(plit) + TI[G]) | |
6 | CRESTED | (o)[N]C(e) + RESTED | |
11 | ORCINOL | LOO < around (IN CAR) * | |
12 | OCTAVO | TAV in [T]OCO | |
13 | GRANDIOSE | (RANGE with G moved to the front) around DIS[C]O * | |
15 | MARCH | MARI[A]CHI − I − I | |
17 | IN ALT | (LUST − US) after [T]INA | |
19 | OGLINGS | [C]OGS around LING | |
21 | EK DUM | (MUD + [H]K + E) < | |
23 | BEGAR | B[E]AR around EG | |
24 | DERN | R[R] in DEN | |
26 | MARAE | MAR[G]E around A | |
28 | RETE | (G)[O]RE-TE(x) | |
29 | STOAE | STONE[S] with A for N | |
32 | RURAL | P[L]URAL with R for P | |
34 | CIRRATE | CIR + R[E]ATE | |
37 | AITCH | CH after A[T] IT | |
39 | SEROW | (W + [S]ORES) < | |
40 | DITTY BAGS | (DI[E]T + TAGS) around BY < | |
41 | KOREAN | O[A]K < + REAN | |
42 | EIRENIC | SEIR − S + S[C]ENIC − S | |
43 | SLANTED | SLATED around N[O] | |
44 | COTEAU | [B]EAU after COT | |
Down | |||
2 | (H)ead; -M | ARRACK | (c)ARRACK |
3 | d(A)sh; -I | SCART | TRACTS < − T |
4 | (T)one; -N | TINCT | INSTINCT − (IN + S) |
5 | p(E)nny; -I | COINOP | IN in POOC(h) < |
6 | Sti(C)ky; -N | CLOGGY | CAGY with LOG for A |
7 | (C)old; -G | ROSALIA | (CAROL IS) * − C + A |
8 | di(G); -D | STUNNER | SR around (TUNNEL − L) |
9 | (N)ot; -R | EVIL | LIVE < |
10 | fo(O)ls; -U | DOTTERELS | SLED < around OTTER |
14 | (L)ight; -M | JAGGER | GER after JAG |
16 | (C)lock; -B | HAMMER | (s)HAMMER |
18 | (R)ender; -L | RED SHANKS | (ASKS NERD) * around H; ref. 37ac |
20 | Plan(T)’s; -E | IBERIS | IB + SIRE < |
22 | (T)ime; -D | DROITS | (I + T) in DROS(s) |
25 | N(E)ne; -O | NARCEEN | NENE * around (MARC − M) |
27 | E(A)r; -R | ACARINE | (EAR IN) * after CA < |
30 | (S)et; -W | STATED | TASTED with S(hower) moved to the front |
31 | h(A)nker; -O | HECTIC | (C + ITCH) < around (fir)E |
33 | Wo(O)d; -R | ALOGIA | A + LOG + I (s)A(y) |
35 | ris(E)s; -K | TEBET | BET < + ET |
36 | pur(S)es; -E | CRANE | (i)CE(d) around RAN |
38 | (G)od’s; -R | IDOL | I + DOL(l) |