Each prime-numbered clue included a word in which only the letters in prime-numbered positions were to be used. The prime-positioned cells in the spiral in the grid contained “highly seasoned sausage and edible tree seeds”, descriptions of salami and walnuts. This configuration, in which prime numbers cluster along diagonal straight lines, was discovered by Stanislaw Ulam, whose name is an anagram of SALAMI and WALNUTS.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Modified word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | RATABLE | TABLE after RA | |
6 | TETRAD | RAD, TET in the other order | |
10 | EDAM | MADE < | |
11 | (S)pi(n) | JIPYAPA | (PI < + Y) in JAPA(n) |
13 | (g)re(a)s(y) | VIVRES | VIVA − A + RES |
14 | UPPER | SCUPPER − S(peed) − C | |
15 | AIRN | AIR + N | |
16 | DROOG | (GO + ORD) < | |
19 | (t)hi(r)t(y) | DESYATIN | (STAYED IN) * |
21 | TUAREG | TUG around ARE | |
23 | (S)ho(v)e(l)s | SHOE | HOES * |
26 | DEATHLY | EATHLY after D | |
28 | ABYE | A + BYE | |
30 | TAENIA | TAE + AIN < | |
32 | ROGERIAN | ((NAIR + R) around EGO) < | |
36 | VALSE | VALETA around S − TA | |
38 | TONG | THRONG − HR | |
39 | OYERS | AVOYERS − AV | |
40 | FIASCO | SCO(w) after FIA(t) | |
41 | (h)at(e) | BATEAUX | BEAUX around AT |
42 | IKAT | (homophone of TACKY) <, ie, the four phonemes in reverse order | |
43 | (t)wo(f)o(l)d | EMBERS | MEMBERS − M |
44 | DEMESNE | MES in DENE | |
Down | |||
1 | REPAST | R(egret) E(ating) + PAST | |
2 | (P)um(a) | AD VIVUM | UM after (DIVA + V) * |
3 | (m)ar(z)i(p)a(n) | TAIRA | (ARIA + T(offee)) < |
4 | BIRDSEED | (DR < + SEE) in BID | |
5 | (K)ey(n)e(s)’s | LEER | REEL < |
6 | TIFOSI | (SOFI in IT) < | |
7 | (m)on(k) | TYPO | PO after T(all)Y |
8 | APED | A + PED | |
9 | DARKNET | TEND < around ARK | |
12 | APHTHA | (APT around H) + HA | |
17 | (n)or(m)a(l)l(y) | OESTRAL | (ORAL + SET) * |
18 | URDÉE | URD + E + E | |
20 | AS-YET | EASY with E moved to the end + T | |
22 | PLATEASM | LATE in PAS + M | |
24 | EARLOBE | PEARL − P + O’ + BED − D | |
25 | CYGNET | homophone of SIGNET | |
27 | DIPNOAN | DIP + NON around A | |
29 | (j)us(t) | HIATUS | US after (HI + A + T(rotskyite)) |
31 | (b)ea(s)t | ALGATE | A + LG + EAT * |
33 | LOCKS | 2 meanings | |
34 | LYAM | L + MAY < | |
35 | DREE | DREK − K + E(dinburgh) | |
37 | (s)pa(n)g(l)e(t) | SIDE | 2 meanings |