The grid represents a snooker table with the white (cue ball), nine reds and the six colours still in play. Letters from clues gave “the first twelve pots; forty-eight”, referring to the score so far in a partial break when the first six reds have been potted with six blacks, so that a maximum break of 147 is possible, ie, “max on”. Highlighting of either the full clashing cells or circles inside them (to represent the balls) was accepted.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra letter | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | (T)his | WHISPERERS | W + HIS + PER + ER + (trap)S |
6 | (H)ad | DAY BED | (AD + B + DYE) * |
11 | h(E)at | RUTILE | UR < + TILE |
13 | (F)lashes | EYELID | homophone of EYE + L + ID |
14 | fa(I)r | SADAT | (A + D + AS) < + T |
15 | line(R) | RULER | RUE around L + R |
16 | (S)wine | SLACKENED | SACK around L + NEED * |
17 | spoil(T) | PIECE | PIE + CE |
18 | s(T)aying | DROWNER | (RE + N + WORD) <; ref. Jean Baptiste Carrier (see “noyade” in Chambers) |
20 | vie(W) | RÊVEUR | RE + VIE − I + U + R |
21 | not(E) | ONORA | OR around NO + A |
22 | (L)and | DIAN | AID < + ’N’ |
23 | se(V)en | SENGREENS | SEN + G + R + SEEN * |
24 | L(E)ast | ENDOSS | END + (OS around ’S) |
25 | (P)ending | DECEASES | DEC + (SEES + A) * |
Down | |||
1 | s(O)on | TEESSIDE | TEE + S + DIES * |
2 | Midge(T) | PURÉE | URE in P(alatabl)E; ref. Midge Ure |
3 | section(S) | EDITRESS | (complet)E + DISTRESS − S |
4 | REVERED | D after REVERE; ref. Paul Revere | |
5 | sa(F)e | SEEDCASE | SEE + CD < + SAE * |
6 | (O)ur | DOUBLURE | DOUBLE around UR |
7 | sola(R) | ALL DONE | LD in ALONE |
8 | s(T)ack’s | BLOWED | BED around LOW |
9 | the(Y) | EIDERS | DER in EIS |
10 | comb(E) | RED CEDARS | (D in ACRES *) after RED |
11 | ru(I)ng | RABBIN | BAR < + BIN |
12 | (G)old | LINK-UPS | LINK + UPS |
19 | t(H)ree | BROGS | G(antry) in SORB < |
20 | Face(T) | DARE | 2 meanings |