The puzzle celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first broadcast of Doctor Who. Extra letters in wordplay for the first 34 clues spelt out “count a letter in each of remaining clues”. The number of As, Bs, etc, in the remaining 26 clues gave the letter values. The shading gave an approximation of DOCTOR WHO. The central row contains (T + REL + DIM) in EM, ie, “Time And Relative Dimension In Space”. (Originally, the acronym TARDIS was explained as “Time And Relative Dimensions In Space”, as given in Chambers, but in recent years the singular “Dimension” has been used.) The puzzle’s title referred to a 2013 episode, entitled Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer | Explanation [extra letter] |
First Stage | ||
1 | WROATH | (THROW + A/[C]) * |
2 | HURRAH | H[O]UDAH with RR for D |
3 | HOG | H[U]GO * |
4 | GENTLE | GENT + LE[N] |
5 | EDIFIER | FIDE < + [T]IER |
6 | RE-ALTER | REAL + TE[A]R |
Second Stage | ||
8 | ROUGHS | ROS[E] around UGH |
9 | SIDE | [T]IDES with letters “cycled” |
10 | ELEVEN | LEVE in EN[T] |
11 | NINNY | (femi)NIN[E] NY(mph) |
12 | YAKS | Y(ahweh) + A[R]K + ’S |
13 | SCHLEP | PL[I]É * after SCH |
14 | PAT | PA[N]T |
15 | TASKER | (R[E]EKS + AT) < |
16 | RYOT | (TO + [A]YR) < |
17 | TUTS | UTS after [C]T |
18 | SLID | SL + [H]ID |
19 | DEEM | DEM[O] around E |
20 | MEDIUM | MUM around ([F]ED + I) |
21 | MILIEU | MI[R] + LIEU |
Third Stage | ||
22 | URGENT | TRU[E] < around GEN |
23 | TED | (D + [M]ET) < |
24 | DEARIES | D[A]E + ARIES |
25 | STREWTH | STR + E + W[I]TH |
26 | HOA | HO[N] + A |
28 | SPATHED | PA[N]T in SHED |
29 | DEMERGED | EMERGED after D[G] |
30 | DUSKER | DU[C]KS * + ER |
31 | RYAL | (elde)R[L]Y AL(bino) |
32 | LET SLIDE | (S[U]EDE TILL) * |
33 | ELUL | EL + U + L[E] |
34 | LIERS | LIES around [S]R |
35 | SURA | SUR + A |
36 | ALMAH | HALMA with H moved |
38 | TARBOOSH | TAR + BOOS + H |
39 | HUB | H(ang) U(p) B(at) |
Fourth Stage | ||
40 | LOB | L + O’ + B(owler) |
41 | BRASH | BR + ASH |
42 | HEAVED | HEAV(y) + ED |
43 | DEE | 2 meanings |
44 | EMOS | DEMOS − D |
47 | ENDITED | (IT ENDED) * |
48 | DEEDIER | DEER around DIE |
49 | RESEAL | RES + ALE * |
50 | LAW | 2 meanings |
51 | WASP | WAS + P |
52 | PELS | P + ELS |
53 | SAG | GAS < |
54 | GYNY | GUY with YN replacing inner part |
55 | YAKUZA | YAK + U + ZA(p) |
56 | ARCKINGS | (A + KINGS) around RC |
57 | SCOUP | SC + OUP |
58 | PENIE | PEN + IE |
59 | EUGE | (th)E(y b)U(y a)G(at)E(au) |
60 | EMOTED | TOME < + ED |