Typtoing in Grammar’s Footsteps by Jaques

Puzzle explanation

Extra words in clues gave “Quote and speaker, in Brewer, should be highlighted”. The grid contained the quotation from Sigismund I, “Ego sum Imperator Romanorum, et supra grammaticam” (“I am the Roman emperor and am above grammar”), which is given in the entry on grammar in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. This was the excuse for poor English in the preamble and the surface readings of clues. The preamble statement that letters “spell a message [...] out” was not an error but a clumsy way of saying “spell out a message [...]”.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Extra word Answer Explanation
1 quick GLADE LAD in GE
5 undeservedly TUND (bea)T UND(eservedly)
11 occasionally ENCLAVE EVEN * around (CL + A)
12 Tendulkar TICED D after TICE
13 expenses FOREGO EGO after FOR
14 accredit SUM homophone of SOME
16 novice PERAEON PER + AEON
17 divisions FACTOR FACTOR(y)
19 shuffling MISE IS in ME
20 pleasurable SOLANO SOLA + NO
22 enumerate UMPTY NUMPTY − N
23 acid EMMET ’EM + MET
25 King UPROAR UP + (OAR after R)
27 Ephesus STOA SA around TO
29 Rwandan AMMANS AM + MAN’S
31 insignia HEPATIC HEP + AT + I/C
34 Nuclear ARM 2 meanings
35 bait IDEATE IDE + ATE
36 real BITTY BIT + T(emplate) Y(ellow)
37 Eisenhower’s ENLARGE GENERAL *
38 waltz GISM (performin)G IS M(inimalism)
39 Einstein UNDID (I in DD) after UN
1 roulette GAFFE GAFFER − R
2 shocking ONLY (sp)O(ke)N (ba)L(dl)Y
3 happy-go-lucky DETAIL (ALI + TED) *
4 orthodoxy MEGA EG in MA
5 university PROVOST ROV(e) in POST
6 Legionnaire REUSE REFUSE − F
7 draining OUTRUN OUT + RUN
8 backstair PETTICOAT (PAC(t) + TOTTIE) *
10 however DRYNESS DRESS around NY <
15 indiscreteness IMPOLITIC I’M + LIT in OI in PC
18 gold-mining AMOSITES A + MO + SITES
20 Harmison ABASHES A + BASHES
21 leech’s CUMARIN CUM + A + R + IN
24 infection GRITTY GRIT + (Rif)T (Valle)Y
26 Greek MERMAN (Ho)MER MAN(uscript)
28 hawking RIEMS REIMS with I moved to earlier position
30 teenagers DENSE DENS + E
32 endured UDAL UDA + L; ref. Mainland as main island of Orkney or Shetland
33 delivering GIFT (’T + FIG) <
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