From left to right, the grid’s subsections contain the entries for the “half true/half lying” clues, the true clues, and the lying ones. The central proverb (which has “half” and “lie” in the appropriate sections) is given in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations as “Half the truth is often a whole lie”. The title is half of VERACITY.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
Lie (truth) | Answer | Explanation |
dog race (horse race) | THE OAKS | homophone of THEE + SOAK with S moved to the end |
EPAULET | TAPE < around (Y)ULE | |
nobody (somebody) | SOMEONE | SO + ME + ONE |
SCAPULA | CAPSULE with middle letter moved to the front, and A for E | |
underfilled (well filled out) | PLUM | PLUMP − P |
losing (gaining) | BELT | BEL + T |
CURR | CUR + R | |
didn’t (did) | SANG | 2 meanings |
ET AL | METAL − M | |
male (female) | LETITIA | LEIA around TIT; ref. Princess Leia |
GHEE | (Af)GH(an) (ch)EE(se) | |
ONSHORE | HORSE * after ON | |
STETTED | STEED around TT | |
6 (7) [answer length] | UPRAISE | U + PRAISE |
to leave open (to fasten with a seal) | TAR SEAL | TA + R + SEAL |
to march on (to come to a standstill) | ASPHALT | A + SP + HALT |
needn’t be (need be) | AMULET | A + M(ade) U(nderhand) + LET |
ESCUDOS | (ECU around S) + DOS | |
AARHUS | AA + RUSH with last letter moved up | |
brother (sister) | NEMESIS | NE + ME + SIS |
with (without) | EN L’AIR | EN(d) + LIAR * |
ELBA | (LAB − A) in EA | |
OUTLEAP | OUT + (P after LEA) | |
clad (unclad) | ANTI | (sc)ANTI(ly) |
installing (removing) | SENEGAL | SEN + REGAL − R |
two words (one word) | OBLATE | OB + LATE |
failed to preserve (preserve) | KEPT | P in KET |
UPSHOT | 2 meanings | |
STERLET | (STARLET around E) − A | |
TENT | (s)TENT | |
right-winger (left-winger) | LEFTIE | EFT in LIE |
not intended to be sung (intended to be sung) | ODEA | ODE + A |
HAPU | (U + PAH) < |