The second ring contained the line “For the listener, who listens in the snow” from The Snow Man, its author Wallace STEVENS, and the snowflake genus LEUCOJUM. Letters omitted from wordplay spelt out “the snow bunting”, also called the snowflake. Extra letters spelt “cut grid out, fold into six, cut out pattern”. Folding the grid into the six sectors and cutting out the indicated pattern gave the final snowflake shape. The third ring then contained “(the) frolic architecture of (the) snow” from The Snowstorm by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer (omitted) | Explanation [extra letter] |
1 | CARAFE | (FEAR + A) * after C[U] |
2 | CARFOX | CAR + F + [C]OX |
3 | CHIRRE | CHI[T] + ERR < |
4 | CHIN(T)Z | CHIN + Z |
5 | GAND(H)I | G AND I, ie, first letters of GIRONDINS |
6 | SEONAG | [G]OES < + NAG |
7 | ULLING | L in [R]ULING |
8 | HI(E)ING | H + I’ + ING |
9 | SEROSA | SE[I] + R + OSSA − S |
10 | (S)TIRES | TIRES |
11 | DECALS | LACED < + SA[D] − A(rsenal) |
12 | AN(N)ALS | ANIMALS − (I + M) |
13 | SEA DOG | GO[U]DA’S < around (tabl)E |
14 | GODARD | (’D + A + RD) after G[O]O |
15 | AWRONG | [T]ONG after WAR * |
16 | THRONG | [F]ROTH * + NG |
17 | WOOERS | W + [L]OO + ER’S |
18 | ULCERS | (S[O]RE + CLUBS − BS) < |
19 | SPAHIS | HI[D] in PASS * |
20 | SPARSE | S + PA + R[I]SE |
21 | ST(O)VER | VERST with letters “cycling” |
22 | REVIE(W) | REVIE; ref. Don Revie |
23 | ANTLER | ((A + TER[N]) around N) around L |
24 | RELISH | RE + LIS[T] + H |
25 | A(B)SEIL | A + LIES < |
26 | ABSENT | BA < + ’S + T[O]NE |
27 | ALECTO | ((n)OT[I]CE LA(zing)) < |
28 | ALEPHS | (P(ublic) H(ouses)) in [S]ALES |
29 | DIRHEM | [C]H in (DIRE + M(orocco)) |
30 | ASTRID | A[X] + S + DIRT < |
31 | (U)NUSED | SUN < + ED |
32 | SOUSED | SO[U] + USED |
33 | SWEEPS | SWEE[T] + PS |
34 | SPERSE | S[O]P + ERSE |
35 | SLEETY | (Y[U]LE SET) * |
36 | (N)EBELS | REBELS − R |
37 | SOLIVE | SO[T] + LIVE |
38 | SOLOED | SED around [P]OLO |
39 | UNFITS | U + (Ferguso)N + FI[A]TS |
40 | G-SUI(T)S | G + SUFIS − F(ood) |
41 | EAS(I)LY | ELY around ÅS |
42 | EASSEL | (LES[T] SEA) * |
43 | (N)UNCLE | UNCLEAN − AN |
44 | ICICLE | C in (ICI + LE[T]) |
45 | (G)OURDS | URD in OS |
46 | FJORDS | (F[E] + D’S) around (J + OR) |
47 | SLOW UP | SUP around (L + OW[N]) |
48 | SLOOMY | [R]OOM in SLY |