The Missing Vowels Round by Shackleton

Puzzle explanation

The puzzle celebrated the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Corrections to misprints spelt out “Vict(o)ria, Circle, N(o)rthern, District, Central; c(o)l(o)ur; sl(o)wer, deeper, shakier”. The five missing Os represented the Olympic rings, their colours matching the five London Underground lines; the rings were to be drawn in the grid, located in the cells containing the letters of OLYMPIC. Any reasonable approximation of the correctly coloured rings (or shaded cells) was accepted.

Antonyms of the last three words gave “faster, higher, stronger”, which in Latin is the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, to be written below the grid.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Misprint Answer Explanation
7 l(I)ved ARKANSAS abbreviated to ARK
14 (C)arriage ARABA (A + A) around BAR <
16 (T)ots RAWHEAD WARHEAD with W and R switched
17 (R)ound RUSTRE RUSE around (con)TR(act)
18 t(I)me OMEN WOMEN − W
19 ba(A) YICKER K(id) in ICE in (Y + R)
21 (C)reasing PLIER (bow)L in PIE + R
22 Brune(I)’s BORNEO BOR(e) + ONE *
23 p(R)ison CAGE IN EG < in CAIN
24 mala(C)ia OREXIS O + SIXER <
26 f(L)yer PYOT Y in POT
29 (E)aster VACS 2 meanings
31 pla(N)t ROSELLE (O + S) in RELLIE − I
33 he(R)ring CISCO 2 meanings; ref. O. Henry character, the Cisco Kid
34 s(T)eeping SLOE GIN (LOSING + (patienc)E) *
37 (H)ummer ATOC (lim)A TO C(limb)
41 (E)ra YUGA GAUDY * − D
43 (R)ubbish DEBRIS DEB + SIR <
44 crow(N) UNCAPS UN + CA’ + PS
46 Ol(D)ie’s BOURNE BE around OURN
47 d(I)ggers’ ERVEN NEVER *
48 (S)hiny MICATE IC in MATE
49 Gu(T) ILEA I’ + LEA
50 matte(R) ANATTA (r)ATTAN A(dorning) <
51 m(I)sses NARTHEX RANT * + HEX
52 (C)ash RENTE N in RETE
53 (T)rousers JEANETTE 2 meanings
54 (C)hai TEA TASTER EAT * + TATERS with S moved forward
2 li(N)n ARROYO BOYO with ARR for B
3 (T)runk TAIRAS (AIAS around R) after T
4 fo(R) SAMEN AS < + MEN
5 Se(A) ERNE ERE around N
6 b(L)oke BAWCOCK BANK with (WC + O/C) for N
7 s(C)rapped AHIGH A + (t)HIGH
8 o(L)dness RECENCY REGENCY with C for G
9 G(U)lf ADENIS AD + E + NIS
10 (R)eferentially SUPRA (c)ARPUS <
11 te(S)t AS LEVEL SL(e)EVE in (A + L)
12 sta(L)e UREIC (CRU around IE) <
13 (W)oman’s HERS HEIRS − I
15 N(E)w NEOPLASM (ONE + S + LAMP) *
20 (R)otated ROLLABLE BALL < in ROLE
25 Hi(D)e SECRETE E in (S + CRETE)
27 slop(E) TIP-CART (PI in TRACT) <
28 (E)ast MOUSMEE MOUSE around ME
30 (P)ig SNEEZER S + NÉE + REZ <; ref. Duchess’s baby in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
32 Mar(E)’s EQUINE E + QUINE
35 (R)evolution GYRANT G + (t)YRANT
36 pre(S)ent INNATE INN + ETA <
38 S(H)eet TERNE (sho)T + ERNE
39 Gl(A)ss PINTA PAINT *
40 mil(K) LATTE T(ast)E after LAT
42 dest(I)ning MOERA M(ang)O + ERA
43 (E)ars DEAF DEF around A
45 f(R)uctuations BIXA B + X in IA
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