Scattered by Kea

Puzzle explanation

Letters removed from unjumbled words in clues spelt “cells matching in grid from three weeks ago”. The cells that contained the same letters as in puzzle 4196, Here and There by Hedge-sparrow, spelt “these all recycled”. Ambiguities in final changes to unchecked letters were resolved by noting that the final grid was a rearrangement of all of the letters from the earlier one.

Hedge-sparrow was not involved in (or aware of) the production of this puzzle, and no changes were made to Hedge-sparrow’s puzzle to accommodate it.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Jumble Answer Explanation
1 C + deer PUDU PUD + U
4 E + diametric ANTIPODE TIP in ANODE
9 L + mate FRIEND F + RIND around E
10 L + laws EPHOR ROPE < around (whic)H
11 S + ingredient ROSOGLIOS S(ecret) in (SOIL + GOOR) <
12 M + riches TALLENT ALL in TENT
14 A + planted LEA LEA(k)
15 T + more LOFTIER L + OF + TIER
17 C + lichens ORCEIN (Blunt-f)ORCE IN(jury)
22 H + slide CARROS ARR in COS
23 I + sodden SOPPIER S + OP + PIER
24 N + Israeli VAV VV around A
28 G + riposte REPLIER RE + PLIER
30 N + Titicaca ANDES LAND − L + (N)ES(s)
31 G + heal ORGONE ((Her)R (Ott)O) < + GONE; ref. characters from ’Allo ’Allo
32 R + island MINDANAO MIND + ANA + O’
33 I + talents MNAS M + NAS(A)
1 D + persons POSTDOCS STD in SCOOP <
2 F + waste UREAL U + REAL
3 R + speech DIALECTAL (LACE + LAID) < around T
4 O + adorn ANTEFIX (TAX + FINE) *
5 M + dental TOOTHY TOO + THY
6 T + ocker P-PLATER PL in PATER
7 H + cursed DOOMED DO + DEMO <
8 R + Gaelic ERSE (esk)ERS E(vidence)
10 E + sound ENG N in EG
16 W + rise ROSTRUMS SORTS * around RUM
18 E + speared EMPALED (LAP in DEME) <
19 E + plains PAMPERO PAMPER + O
20 K + going YOKING YOG(a) around KIN
21 S + outer MERTON MEN around (RT + O’)
25 A + strings VEENA (cowb)ANE EV(entually) <
26 G + learn CRAM C(oat) + RAM
27 O + dirhems FÈS (of)F (rhapsod)E (a)S
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