The first letters of extra words in clues spelt the final words of Profitable Instructions for the Manuring, Sowing (and) Planting of Kitchen Gardens by Richard Gardiner, published in 1599. The grid included “Sowe carrets”, the beginning of a quotation from the book, listed in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | Motherwell | SCRAICH | (CRA(m) + I) in SCH |
7 | addiction | HEAR | H + EAR |
9 | native | TOON | TOO + (rowa)N |
10 | Unstructured | CONCERTI | ONCE in (C + R + TI) |
11 | reviewing | TERRACES | ER in TRACES |
12 | ices | AKEES | (SEEK + A) < |
13 | National | BLANCH | BLEACH with (m)AN for central letters |
14 | ghost | PALACE | LA in PACE |
16 | shrubbery | RETAMA | ARE * around TAM(e) |
19 | overproducing | TOMCATS | TO + MC + ATS |
21 | Wessex | TAR | TA + R(eservists) |
22 | idle | COB | C + OB |
23 | neighbouring | BYREMAN | B(rittan)Y + RE + MAN |
25 | go | HOO-HAH | HO + (g)O + HA(lt) + H(op) |
26 | protects | ARBUTE | BUT in ARE(g) |
28 | large | ALLOWS | ALL + OWES − E |
29 | analyst | GENIE | GEN + IE |
31 | noxious | PIRARUCU | (CURARI in UP) < |
32 | Tenant’s | MISE | SEMI * |
33 | injures | EMYS | EM(r)YS |
34 | naval | OHM’S LAW | O’ + HMS + FLAW − F |
Down | |||
1 | glorify | STOA | (Athen)S TO A(gamemnon) |
2 | Orlando | COCKATOO | CO(o)K around C + A + T(esting) O(bservations) + O’ |
3 | felt | ROWEL | R(ode)O + LEW < |
4 | kedgeree | ICES | (k)I(t)C(h)E(n)S |
5 | isn’t | CORNEA | CONE around R(etina) + (retin)A |
6 | test | SCALES | CAL(ico) in SES(h) |
7 | caring | HECATOMB | HE + CAT + O + MB |
8 | Hands | E RE NATA | (T(h)E + ARENA) * |
15 | exclusively | AMPHORAS | AM + PHAS(e) around OR |
17 | nibbling | MANTISSA | SA after MANTIS |
18 | geological | SCHAPPE | (SC + A + PPE) around H |
20 | asparagus | OBOLARY | LOBO < + ARY |
23 | revised | BAWDRY | B + AWDRY (creator of Thomas the Tank Engine) |
24 | dropouts | RAUNCH | U in RANCH |
27 | either | UNTIL | U(xbridge) + NIL around (Too)T(ing) |
29 | nebulous | GEUM | (lar)GE UM(bels) |
30 | stagnant | ENEW | (SEA WHEN) * − HAS * |