The verse was “Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!” (a parody of “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”) from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland; this puzzle marked the 146th anniversary of its publication. The first two words are read across the grid, arranged in rows to correspond with the notes of the original tune. The central square shows a “little (cricket) bat”; representations of other sporting bats, such as those for baseball or table tennis, were accepted. Extra words in clues gave “How I wonder what you’re at! Up above the world you fly,” followed by “C. Dodgson” (Lewis Carroll’s real name). Replacing the two Ts in “Ratty” at 47 across with the clashing down letters makes the bottom row a representation of the fourth line, “Like (a) tea-tray in (the) sky.”
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | hopes | BREAK | B + REAK |
5 | over | LYM | LYM in FO = FLYMO |
8 | women’s | STUNS’L | STUNS + L |
13 | inconveniencing | REINDEERS | (RIDER SEEN) * |
14 | Writer | OMAHA | ((Abr)AHAM O(nly)) < |
15 | obviously | URNAL | URINAL − I |
16 | naughtily | ATWEEN | A + TWEEN(y) |
17 | disaster | GROG | GR + GO < |
18 | enterprise | OKINAWA | (w)OK IN A WA(rehouse) |
20 | reject | ENTRY | EN (half of an EM) + TRY |
23 | Welsh | PARDONABLE | (PANEL BOARD) * |
24 | hooked | TAIMEN | TAI + MEN |
25 | attract | NISSES | KISSES with K advanced 3 places in the alphabet |
28 | tenor | ERNANI | IRE < around NAN |
30 | you | SMEUSE | (USES ME) * |
32 | over | EIGHTEENTH | (TEETHING HE) * |
37 | understood | HI-TEC | TE in HIC |
39 | Rubbra | RAWBONE | (WB after A) in RONE |
40 | evaluate | CANT | 2 meanings |
41 | airy | EXEDRA | (EX + RA) around (E + D) |
42 | tame | ORION | O’ + LION with R for L |
43 | underselling | LHASA | LA around HAS |
44 | past | OGEN MELON | GO < + (MEN * + LO) in EN |
45 | are | LIKEST | LIKES + (ro)T |
46 | beads | EAT | E(nded) A(ll) T(roubles) |
47 | otter | RATTY | TARTY *; ref. The Wind in the Willows |
Down | |||
1 | villain | BRUNETTE | NET in BRUTE |
2 | extortion | RERUN | (MANURER − MA) < |
3 | technology | EINSTEIN | NINETIES * |
4 | half | ANAGRAM | A + NAG + RAM |
5 | enabled | LE DOUANIER | (ON A RUDE LIE) *; ref. Henri Rousseau |
6 | was | YEAGER | Y + EAGER |
7 | out | MR TOAD | T in ROAD after M |
9 | Ryanair | TOE-IN | (I NOTE) * |
10 | largely | NANAK | (Madon)NA NAK(ed) |
11 | diamonds | SHAWLLESS | SHAWS around SELL < |
12 | your | LAVAGE | LAVA + GE(ts) |
19 | oranges | NYAS | (SAY + N) < |
21 | unforgiving | CONSTRAINT | CON + TRAIN in ST |
22 | food | WARIBASHI | (A + RIB) in WASH + I |
26 | Love | SULTRILY | SU(p) + (I’LL TRY) * |
27 | yoghurt | SEACUNNY | SUNNY around (EA + C) |
29 | cold | AHAB | HA in (A + B(ath)) |
31 | designed | ERITREA | TIRE < + REA(lly) |
32 | open-topped | ENROLL | (gre)EN ROLL(s) |
33 | doughboys | EMERGE | (EG + REME) < |
34 | Greek | NICAEA | (ANAEMIC − M) * |
35 | so-and-sos | TWEAK | T + WEAK |
36 | organisms | ZOEAS | ZO + EAS(e) |
38 | negates | EBOOK | E + BO + OK |