Corrections for misprinted clues spelt out “King James Bible; Brewer’s Phrase and Fable”. The answers to the other clues were words which have been misprinted in versions of the King James Bible, as catalogued in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, and the corresponding grid entries were their misprinted forms. Taking the extra words from these clues, in the order of the misprinted grid entries that correspond to the clued answers, the initial letters spelt out “four hundred”, which was the age of the King James Bible, first published in 1611.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint/extra word | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | nan | AGAINST | AGAIN + S(amosas) T(ry) |
10 | Dutch | CHARGE | CHAR + (GAE − A) |
11 | unedifying | DAMSELS | SLED < around (AS around M) |
12 | dar(K) | AÇAI | A in (A + C(urar)I) |
13 | W(I)ll’s | EFTEST | SET < in EFT |
15 | thicke(N) | PECTIN | PEINCT with IN moved |
16 | die | LOINS | COINS with L for C |
19 | (G)od’s | TORAH | T(homas) + O’ +RAH |
21 | (J)obbers | UNPEG | PE in GUN * |
23 | viv(A) | ORAL | (LA + R + O) < |
26 | (M)ake | AMBOINA | AMBO + IN + A |
28 | C(E)ltic | BEGORRA | BEG + OR + RA |
29 | le(S)ion | SCAR | SCARY − Y; 2 meanings; ref Mark 5:9-13 |
30 | Rob | CAUSE | (CD + CAUSE) * = ACCUSED |
32 | (B)ead | OJIME | (d)EMIJO(hn) < |
36 | Rh(I)ne-valley | GEIST | (a)GEIST |
38 | (B)oard | QUANGO | QUA + N + GO |
40 | floats | FATHER | FARTHER − R |
41 | forma(L) | UNTO | DOCUMENT * = (UNTO + ED + MC) * |
42 | hu(E) | ANIL | A + NIL |
43 | (B)rief | UNCE | UNCLE − L |
44 | te(R)m | SOUL SISTERS | SO + (IS in ULSTERS) |
Down | |||
1 | S(E) | GWENT | G + WENT (past tense of WEND) |
2 | regarding | VINEYARD | VID around (N + YEAR *) |
3 | (W)ant | NEED | DEEN < |
4 | unload | IDOL | SOLID * − S |
5 | win(E) | OLPAI | P in (s)OLA(r) + I |
6 | (R)est | TEE | 2 meanings (letter T, golf tee) |
7 | (S)ited | ECTOPIC | EC + TOPIC |
8 | tri(P) | RAIK | (t)RAIK |
9 | energy | HEAR | HEART − T |
14 | (H)ead | FLORET | (OR LEFT) * |
17 | (R)eckons | SUBTOTALS | (TO + LAST *) after SUB |
18 | (A)dam | ENOS | NOSE * |
20 | organ | LIFE | F in LIE |
22 | coat(S) | ENAMEL | (ANIMAL with (E + E) for A − I) * |
23 | grav(E) | OBSEQUY | OB(e)SE + QU(a)Y |
24 | w(A)y | AGITATO | A + GIT + AT + O(rchestra) |
25 | year(N) | LONG | 2 meanings |
27 | (D)emon | MAX | MAXIM − (l)IM(e) |
31 | Heroes | STRING | STARRING − A(nothe)R |
33 | o(F) | IRENE | (TRIUNE + SHE) * = (IRENE + THUS) * |
34 | s(A)lves | EASES | CEASES − C |
35 | (B)utt | BUNS | SNUB < |
37 | fi(L)th | SMUT | S + M + UT |
39 | fill(E) | GAL | GAEL − E |