The letters from the circled cells give ELBOW and FROTH, two characters from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. The modified answers and clue words have one measure replaced by another to give new real words. The final change is to replace “bel” with “mil” in 9 down.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Altered or extra word (defined grid entry) | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | (PICA)MAR | MAR after PICA | |
6 | P(OKE) | POKER − R | |
10 | school (1ac GRAMMAR) | APPERTAIN | APP + (c)ERTAIN |
12 | c(hin)less, c(are)less | NODE | NOD + E |
14 | (LI)ST | LI + ST | |
15 | fitch (11dn POLECAT) | INTIMAL | INTI + MAL |
16 | ALARM | MALAR with first letter at the end | |
18 | UN(BAR) | UN + BAR | |
19 | S(ACRE)D | SAC + RED | |
21 | Capital (30dn TUNIS) | AISHA | AIA around SH |
22 | (bath)os, (therm)os | ESTH | (deni)ES TH(ermos) |
23 | (pot)ent, (rod)ent | CAVITY | CAVY around IT |
24 | P(LAY)ED | LAY in PED | |
27 | (Pint)er, (butt)er | EAT | (n)EAT |
28 | ODESSA | (DOES AS) * | |
30 | WADI | I after WAD | |
32 | (ERG)O | ERGO(t) | |
34 | FALL | F + ALL | |
36 | release (18ac UNCHAIN) | TEXAN | EX in TAN |
38 | LAUF | LAU(d) + F | |
39 | F(LUX) | X after FLU | |
40 | crush (6dn PINCH) | UMP | UMPTEEN − TEEN |
41 | desire (46ac YEARN) | HADDIE | HIE around ADD |
42 | student (24ac PREMED) | RAKU | (u)R(b)A(n) K(y)U(s) |
43 | LA(VOLT) | LAT around VOL | |
44 | ISSEI | IS + SEI | |
45 | SEBUM | ((e)MU BES(t)) < | |
46 | (COR)N | CORNUTE − UTE | |
47 | (REP)ENT | 2 meanings | |
Down | |||
2 | Dispatch (19ac SEND) | APLANAT | A PLAN + AT |
3 | MEER | M + REE < | |
4 | ATTUITE | TUI in TATE * | |
5 | sound-system (32ac STEREO) | RAINS | RAI + NS |
7 | (rad)ial, (cran)ial | INIA | ILIA with N for L |
8 | lady (38dn LAKIN) | NOMISM | NO + IS in MM |
9 | (BEL)CH | BENCH with L for N | |
11 | (FAT)-CAT | FA + C in TAT | |
13 | DANTED | DD around ANTE | |
17 | insect (39ac FLEA) | MAIDENHAIR | (HID A MARINE) * |
20 | DVORAK | (V + OR) in DAK | |
24 | Harry (14ac MOLEST) | PSEUD | DUPES * |
25 | RAFFIA | RAFF + I’ + A | |
26 | DILATANT | DI + LAT(e) + ANT | |
29 | outpouring (47ac TORRENT) | SEA DUST | (SUDS ATE) * |
31 | ALL-TIME | TIM in ALLE(y) | |
33 | EXPOSE | POS in EXE | |
35 | complications (12ac NODI) | LEONE | NOEL < + E |
36 | (HOUR)IS | HOUR + IS | |
37 | pluck (6ac PLINK) | EMUS | SUM < after E |
38 | LA(METER) | LATER around ME | |
39 | plate (43ac LAMINA) | FEMUR | RUM < after FE |
43 | milky (9dn MILCH) | LEO | CLEO − C |